Cut and Run (Lucy Kincaid #16) - Allison Brennan Page 0,133

going to do the right thing. Have your White Collar people stay late.”


“I found him, he has some evidence—land deals, contracts—but even he doesn’t understand it. But he also has information about Harrison Monroe and Simon Mills and is willing to make a formal statement—at least he was until Maguire called me because he can’t find Max. Shit.”


“Her car. It’s at the police impound lot.”

“She was arrested?”

“She would have called you or me if she was. Give me a minute.”

“Ryan wants us to ping her phone.”

“Forget that, I put a tracker on it when she came to town. With her consent, only to be used in an emergency.” A few seconds later he said, “She’s at Methodist Hospital in Boerne. I’m on my way.”

“I’ll meet you there.”

She turned to face Ryan.

“What happened?” he demanded.

“I’ll take you to her.”

Chapter Thirty-six

There was no way in hell that Max was staying in the hospital overnight. Her phone was busted, otherwise she would have called Sean to spring her from this place.

“Ms. Revere,” the doctor said, “you have a concussion, a broken ankle, and two cracked ribs.”

She looked at the nurse who was putting a cast on her ankle. She knew she had a broken ankle. She didn’t need to be told. She knew she had a concussion, her head hurt worse than the worst hangover she’d ever had.

“You’re lucky to be alive, Ms. Revere.”

“Did they catch the guy who ran me off the road?”

“I don’t know.”

All of Max’s numbers were in her cell phone, but she knew Ben’s by heart, and he could call Sean and get her out of here. Then she’d call Ryan and tell him she was fine. The last thing she wanted was for him to see her like this—her face was a mess, bruises, a black eye, her lip swollen, stitches across her forehead. No Skyping for a couple of days. She’d tell him she was in a little car accident—well, she’d have to admit that someone ran her off the road—but he didn’t have to know the details.

“Can I use this phone to make an outgoing call?”

“We can call whoever you want.”

“I want to make the call.”

“Now you don’t have to,” a voice said from the door.


She heard him before she saw him. “How did you get here so fast?”

“I was already on my way. Eve and I decided to come early.”


She didn’t like seeing the worry and concern on his face.

“I’m fine,” she said.

“And you are?” the doctor asked.

“Boyfriend,” Ryan said. “What happened? How is she? What’s broken other than her ankle?”

The doctor didn’t say anything, and Max said, “Tell him.”

“Ms. Revere was in an accident. Another vehicle ran her off the road, according to the police report when she was brought in. She has two cracked ribs, a broken ankle, and a concussion. I’d like to keep her overnight, but she has been arguing.”

Ryan stared at her. It made her very uncomfortable.

Ryan asked, “Internal bleeding?”

“No. But she needs bed rest and to be monitored. Head injuries can be extremely dangerous.”

“I’ll monitor her.”

“Thank you,” Max said.

“You have a lot of explaining to do.”

“I need to get some papers to Lucy.”

“Lucy’s downstairs with Eve.”

“In that bag,” she said. “I wanted to talk to you about it, because you understand these paper trails.”

“Was it intentional?”

“Of course it was. Big black truck came barreling behind me on the interstate and hit the back of my car.”

“She’s going to be very sore tomorrow,” the doctor said. “And she’ll need a full follow-up with her doctor.”

“When can I go back to New York?”

“I’d give it a couple days before you get on a plane.”

“Can I have a minute with Ms. Revere alone?” Ryan said.

“I’m done,” the nurse who was putting the cast on said. It went from her toes to just below her knee. It was awful. Max hated it already.

They left, and Ryan made sure the door was closed. Then he leaned over and kissed her. Gently, as if he was afraid she’d break. “You’re so lucky you’re not dead.”

Max didn’t comment. Ryan’s voice sounded … different.

“What really happened?”

“I told you. I should have noticed I was being followed, but I was preoccupied. My fault, I’ll admit it. I had all this new information rattling around in my head trying to make sense of it. I was about fifteen minutes out of Kerrville when I saw the truck. I tried to get out of his way, but he hit me and pushed me over the railing. I was going to Copyright 2016 - 2024