Cursive - By Phoebe Lane Page 0,69

weekend instead?" Ellie continued. "The only reason I didn't freak out about you being MIA for two days was that Jace went conveniently missing too."

"I've been…umm." Aislynn realized she couldn't talk because she had lost all control of her facial muscles, and a huge grin had spread across her face. "Yeah…I've…it was…"

"That good, huh?" Ellie said.

"Yeah. You?"

"What you said. Same here. No words, huge goofy smile," Ellie joked. "Evan has forever ruined me for all other men."

"Ha! I could’ve sworn you just said Evan ruined you for all other men."

"Clever. Let me just put it to you like this—I even met his family over the weekend, and they loved me. Evan keeps going on and on about the future, and I think I like it. I mean, how did this happen? You know this is not me! I don’t fall this hard…ever!"

"I’m so happy for you," Aislynn said as she pulled her best friend into a tight embrace.

"Well, I’m glad you’re in such a good mood, ‘cause I’m about to ruin it," Ellie said with hesitation. "Your mom has been calling nonstop again."

"Ugh. Don't remind me. She just sent me an email saying that—" Aislynn's ringing cell phone interrupted her. "I bet that's her," Aislynn said, feeling a wave of nausea hit her.

This is going to be really painful.

"Hi, Mom," she said with a flat tone.

"Aislynn! Finally!" Pam said.

"Yes, I know. I finally picked up the phone. I'm horrible for never calling you. And yes, I've been busy doing nothing," Aislynn snapped.

"What? What are you talking about?" Pam asked, dumbfounded.

"Nothing," Aislynn answered with frustration, planting her hand on her face. "Just forget it. How are you, Mom?"

"I'm fine. I'm actually excited about this weekend! Did you get my email?"

"Yes, I did get it. I was really surprised by the news of your visit, to be honest," she forced out, in an attempt to clue Ellie in on the recent development. Ellie choked on her drink and stared at her wide-eyed, while mouthing "Oh no."

"It was a spur of the moment thing. Marc will be busy all weekend with training for his new position and he suggested I take some time to go out of town. Then I remembered it was your birthday, so the decision to go to San Diego was a no-brainer. How old is it that you're turning this year?"

"Twenty-eight," Aislynn said matter-of-factly, to which Ellie responded with a loud snort.

"Wow, twenty-eight. Thirty is just around the corner for you," Pam said.

"Yes, I guess it is. Thanks for reminding me," Aislynn said with a roll of her eyes.

"Well, I can't wait to see you. I want to take you out to dinner on your birthday, and we can catch up on things. I mean, I haven't seen in you in so long, sweetheart."

"I know, Mom," she said, suddenly feeling melancholic.

Maybe it will be good to see her after all. At least she's trying.

After a few minutes of ironing out their plans, Aislynn threw herself down on the sofa and forced in several deep breaths.

"Twenty-eight? She fell for that?" Ellie asked, sitting next to her.

"Yeah, well, I decided to take one year off for every time in my life she has forgotten my birthday."

"Lovely," Ellie said. "Is she gonna be staying with us? I can stay at Evan's if you need the room."

"No, it's fine. Her husband got her a reservation at a spa hotel for the weekend. Remind me to send him a thank-you card, by the way."

"I didn't plan anything for your birthday, but only because you annoyingly begged me not to. Does this make you want to change your mind?" Ellie asked with a hint of excitement in her voice.

"It does, actually."

"Really? Oh my God! That's awesome news!" she squealed. "What do you want to do?"

"How about we go out of town this weekend? I'm willing to go anywhere that is at least a two-hour plane ride away from Pam—I mean, San Diego," she said.

"Don't toy with my emotions that way, Aislynn! I can't believe you won't let me plan a fabulous celebration for your thir—"

"Damn it! What is it with you people?" Aislynn interrupted. "Twenty-nine! It's the anniversary of the twenty-ninth birthday!"

"All right, settle down, Grandma. You know, I really thought that a weekend full of sexing up Jace on the kitchen counter was going to make you less uptight about your age."

"What the hell, Ellie?" Aislynn shrieked and sat up straight on the sofa. "You were spying on us?"

"Geez, I was only kidding! But Copyright 2016 - 2024