Cursive - By Phoebe Lane Page 0,68

her heart. And the fastest and easiest way to do that was to beg him to get inside her. Fast.

Jace looked into her eyes, his forehead furrowed as he examined her. After a few seconds, his face relaxed and a look of determination took over.

"Is this what you need from me right now? Just tell me this is the right thing to do, that this is what you want, and I'll give it to you," he said as he put his hand under her dress. He held his hand over her panties, his fingers itching to pull it aside and bury themselves deep into her.

Aislynn parted her lips, licked them, and exhaled sharply. "Yes, I need this. I need you, please—"

Before she was able to finish begging, Jace's fingers pushed inside her, pumping in and out with an earthshattering rhythm. Aislynn held on to the dresser behind her as his other hand roughly pulled up the skirt of her dress around her waist. He stopped the motion between her folds to pick her up and sit her down on top of the dresser.

He forcefully pulled her panties off and threw them on the bed. It didn't take much for her body to respond to him, and watching Jace in a hurry to bury himself deep inside her made the response even more intense.

It wasn't gentle; it wasn't slow; and it was exactly the way she wanted it. She wasn't necessarily into rough sex as a routine, but this was the kind she needed at that moment. Jace pushed his whole length inside her in one swift motion. Aislynn immediately felt every muscle below her waist contract and every muscle above her chest relax. Her mind slowed down and only focused on how amazing it felt to have him move in and out of her frantically, his grunts matching the crashing motion of their hips.

"You're so wet already, babydoc…"

"Just fuck me, Jace…" she said, hanging on to his neck. "Oh, God…"

No way I'm coming already, she thought, right as Jace put his thumb on her center. He didn't even rub it; he placed it on top of her sensitive spot and pressed down every time he pushed into her. Aislynn's fingers dig hard into his back, and she completely lost control of her body.

"Let me feel you, babydoc. Let me feel you come when I'm inside you," he said in her ear, as she contracted around him one, seven, fifteen times.

"God, yes," he hissed and came inside her, his hips slowing down after each thrust.

Aislynn closed the door behind her after Jace left for the airport, taking in the scene before her. Her ears started ringing and she felt a heaviness crash over her. She couldn't smell the scent of coffee and sea in the air anymore; there were no voices, no laughter, and no moans of ecstasy; she couldn't find a pair of bright green eyes staring back at her with adoration; there was no soft, warm skin to bite on; and she couldn't feel warm lips kissing lucky freckle number fourteen anymore.

Jace was gone. She was alone. Again.

"No," she said out loud. "You're not doing this to yourself. Don't be pathetic."

Eh, who am I kidding?

Aislynn had had the best two days of her existence. Being locked away at the beach house with Jace, without any real world interruptions, had been heaven in all religions. But now that all the distractions were gone, her mind went into obsessive mode.

What's gonna happen now? What is he thinking? Where do we go from here? Does this mean I'm staying in San Diego permanently? What about Chloe? How am I going to tell Jace about Christopher? What if he finds out somehow? What about Pam?

Her mind then focused on the most important question of all, the one she thought she had answered to herself at the benefit party.

Am I really falling in love with him?

"Oh, boy. I know that face," Ellie said, appearing virtually out of nowhere and startling Aislynn out of her thoughts.

"Gah!" Aislynn yelled, holding her hands to her chest. "Where did you…heart attack…just appear…hologram…Jem…"

"Jace humor. I like it," Ellie said sarcastically. "Anyway, as I was saying— whatever you're worrying about now, please stop."

"I wasn't worrying," Aislynn said, still trying to catch her breath and deflect.

"That's right. You don't worry; you obsess. Now, stop it," she said, grabbing a drink from the fridge.

Worrying is like praying for what you don't want, Aislynn reminded herself.

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