Cursive - By Phoebe Lane Page 0,66

up inconceivable amounts of tension inside her. She felt like pulling at her hair, slamming her hands down hard on the countertop, and biting—

Oh, I want his skin between my teeth…

Almost like he could sense her body's sudden spike of arousal at the thought of biting him, Jace put an unexpected amount of pressure on the area and started lapping at it from side to side, all the while matching the rhythmic sounds of her moans. He didn't have to prompt her this time to let go. Her orgasm came at her without warning, her hands instinctively moving to her nipples and squeezing them hard.

"I'm taking a mental picture of you right now…I want this visual etched in my memory forever," he said, kissing up her abdomen, toward her belly button. "We meet again, fourteen," he said, softly kissing her freckle.

"You're obsessed," Aislynn said, calming down her breathing and coming down from her high.

"And I'm not even ashamed. I'm getting a picture of fourteen and taking it with me tomorrow."

"I can't believe you have to leave again. I hate business trips," Aislynn said, slowly sitting back up and pulling him into a hug. "That means I have to get the most out of you as I can tonight."

"I'm game," he said, showing her a condom he had apparently sneaked into the kitchen sometime before dinner.

"Well, aren't you a good Boy Scout?"

"'Prepared. For Life,'" he quipped, quoting the Boy Scouts' motto.

"Do we even have to use one?" Aislynn asked, taking the condom from his hands.

"It's up to you. I'm clean—the oncologist runs all the STD tests on every visit. How about you?"

"I'm clean, too. I haven't been with anyone in a year, and I had all my tests done for an insurance policy physical right before I left Texas," she said.

Jace looked into her eyes, put his hands on the side of her face, and kissed her. Aislynn threw the condom on the floor and kissed him back with fervor.

Jace grabbed her by the waist and set her down on her feet. She surprised him by turning around and bending forward slightly, resting her arms and elbows on the kitchen island.

"Oh, fuck…" he said, running his hand up and down her ass.

We're perfect for each other, she thought as he aligned himself and pushed inside her in one swift motion. The feeling of having him inside her without any barriers was mind-blowing. The friction made her knees buckle, and Jace had to hold her by the waist until she finally got a handle on her balance. The position allowed him go even deeper into her.

He rubbed his hands up and down her spine, and grunted with each thrust. She didn't want to touch herself, wanting to concentrate fully on how he felt inside of her.

"I need my phone. I have to Google something," she said out of the blue, her breaths shallow and rapid.

"Right now? This is not exactly my idea of sex talk, Aislynn," he said, his thrusts never faltering. He spanked her once in reprimand, and Aislynn found herself liking it more than she probably should have.

Interesting. Filing this away for later.

"Do you know the name of the people who cloned that sheep in the nineties?" she asked, closing her eyes, overwhelmed by the sensations he was imparting on her.

He straightened her back and pulled her to his chest. "You better not be thinking about that when I make you come," he hissed in her ear, the new angle making her writhe in delight.

"I want to clone you…for when you go on your trips…I may be addicted to this now…"

He chuckled in her ear, and sped up his pace. She put one finger on herself and rubbed, letting him glide in and out of her between her other fingers. His movements became frantic, and he pulled softly at her hair, giving Aislynn that delicious contrast between pleasure and pain.

"You can have me as much as you want. I'm not going anywhere, babydoc. I'm all yours," he said as she whimpered in ecstasy, the contractions in her walls sending him over the edge.

After their breathing slowed down and their heart rate went back to normal, Jace whispered in Aislynn's ear, "Oh no…Your feet touched the floor."

She turned around, wrapped her hands around his neck and kissed him. "It was totally worth it."

"Oh, no, no, no!" Aislynn said, looking down at her cell phone screen and feeling the panic rise in her chest.

"What is it? What's wrong?" Jace asked as he Copyright 2016 - 2024