Cursive - By Phoebe Lane Page 0,65

her reaction.

It looks like I'm going to have to commit murder, after all. Target list: first Chloe, and then Lia. Bonus points if I get them both at the same time.

"When she confronted me about the pregnancy, I told her about the cancer and how the treatments had caused my infertility. I explained it was impossible for me to be the father, but she wasn't having it. She kept insisting that the baby was mine, and that I needed to marry her. I broke things off with her right away, of course, and I stopped taking her calls or answering her messages. That's when she started tracking down my family and demanding they do something."

"Oh my God…"

"I got a lawyer, and he recommended that I just go ahead and take a test to prove I was sterile. Armed with the results, we basically threatened to get a restraining order against her, and sue her if she didn't back off. I didn't hear from her again."

"I'm so sorry you had to go through that. Wow, that's really…"

"Yeah, I know," he said, lying back down on her lap and taking a deep breath.

"So, is your infertility permanent?"

"I don't know yet. The doctor said most men usually start producing sperm again after a few months, but it's been two years for me. The likelihood is very remote at this point. He prepared me for it, though, and I did end up getting my sperm banked before I started my treatments," he said, and smiled softly. "I would like to have kids one day. I suppose it's going to be harder to do, but it's not impossible."

Aislynn hesitated for a few moments, but decided to go ahead and take the leap. "You know, we should probably start a club…get t-shirts that read 'Reproduce?' on the front, and 'Challenge: Accepted' on the back."

Jace raised his head and stared at her, his eyes wide and confused. "What?"

"I had an ovarian torsion when I was fifteen. They didn't catch it in time, so the surgeon had to remove one of my ovaries and the tube. It reduced my chances of pregnancy by fifty percent."

"Oh…wow…I'm sorry, Aislynn."

"It's okay," she said, her eyes down. It had never really bothered her, mainly because she had never been able to picture herself as a mom.

"So, our reproductive future relies on frozen sperm and one ovary…What a pair we make," Jace said for the second time since they'd met.

Future. I like the sound of that.

"I've wanted to have you like this for a long time," Jace said in Aislynn's ear as he pulled her panties off. She wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled him to her. She was sitting on top of the kitchen island, and he stood in between her legs, the height providing her perfect access to his neck and mouth.

I could suck on these lips forever if he'd let me.

"I like that idea," he said with a cocky smirk. "And yes, you did say that out loud."

"I really need to get a handle on that. This has never happened to me before," Aislynn said, pushing his boxer briefs down with her feet.

"Aislynn, the windows—"

"Screw the windows. It's nighttime. And I want you…"

Jace sighed as she finished pushing his underwear off, looked up and down her body, and pulled her shirt up and over her head. His lips and hands were on her nipples within seconds, and Aislynn shuddered with pleasure. He gently pushed her back on top of the cold granite countertop, her dark hair splayed over it. The smell of strawberries and coffee was in the air, mixed in with the scent of her arousal.

"You're so beautiful…soft…warm…" Jace whispered, admiring her while running his hands between her breasts, down to her sides, across her hips, and stopping right over her middle.

He bent down and kissed the inside of her thigh, slowly moving up to where his hand rested, and lingered on the small but very sensitive spot where her leg ended and her groin began. He licked it softly, careful not to touch the area that eagerly pulsed and craved his touch.

"Oh God…please touch me…"

"Say it again," he said, his deep voice sending vibrations up her body and making her squirm.

"I want your tongue on me…please…"

His tongue followed the contours of her outer lips in a circle, then made another round on her inner lips, and finally ended at her center. He massaged it slowly with his tongue, taking his sweet time. It made Aislynn build Copyright 2016 - 2024