Cursive - By Phoebe Lane Page 0,63

right here for a long time," she said.

"Aislynn…" he said, followed by a hissing sound.

"I woke up and realized you needed some attention. I couldn't resist," she said, and kissed him from the base all the way up to the tip. Her tongue, so soft and moist, circled the tip several times, and Jace almost lost it.

With every turn of her tongue, Aislynn took more of him into her mouth. She then started sucking in, adding delicious pressure to the already earthshattering sensation. He looked down once again and watched her move up and down, her hand holding her gorgeous hair to one side.

Oh my God, she knows exactly what to do with her tongue. I'm so fucked.

Aislynn kept sucking him, but stopped circling her tongue. She concentrated instead on the spot right under the head. Every time she came up, she flicked her tongue roughly on it; every time she came down, a strand of her hair tickled the area between his leg and hip. It was the most sensational trio of tender caress, suction, and point pressure.

Oh, hell…this is too much…Please, don't stop…

"Aislynn…" he said, warning her of his oncoming release. She didn't even falter. He let out an audible moan as he came, grabbing on to the headboard for dear life.

Aislynn lay down diagonally on the bed, wrapped up in a sheet, her hair hanging off the side, the tips reaching the floor. Jace lay down in the opposite direction, his hands massaging her feet.

"I'm starving," Aislynn said. Right on cue, both their stomachs grumbled loudly, and they giggled. "Is it still breakfast time?"

"I don't even know," Jace said, with laughter still in his voice. "But who cares? We can have breakfast for dinner. I'll get you anything you want, babydoc. You just ask."

"I have a problem, though," she said, holding herself up on her elbows and looking at him.

God, he's gorgeous. And now I know exactly what he can do with that mouth…

"I really, really, really don't want to get off this bed. I don't even want my feet to touch the floor. I want to sleep, and eat, and talk, and watch TV, and make love all day long," she continued.

"I like the way you think. That's exactly what we'll do," he said, and jumped out of bed, pulling her into his arms. Aislynn giggled and squealed loudly, hanging on to his neck as he carried her out of the room.

"Wait, wait, wait! Bathroom first," she hollered.

"Aislynn, I will do a lot of things for you, but I refuse to carry you while you go to the bathroom."

"And thank God for that! Okay, let's say the 'no touching the floor' rule doesn't apply to bathroom breaks."

"Deal," he said as he walked her back to the master bathroom.

After freshening up, Aislynn searched around Jace's closet trying to find something to wear. He walked in on her as she looked behind the closet door.

"I swear I'm not snooping. I'm just looking for your robe. Can I wear it?"

"I don't own a robe."

"What? Why not?"

"I guess I'm not a robe kind of guy."

"That's it, then. I'm getting you one for your birthday," she said, walking out of the closet, still wrapped in a bed sheet. "When is that by the way?"

"You missed it. It was a couple of months ago. When's yours?"

"Ugh, don't remind me! Wow, I really walked myself right into this one…" Aislynn said under her breath.

"Oh, that's right. It's the big three—"

"Don't you dare finish that sentence," she said, pointing her finger at him and pretending to be serious. "It's anniversaries of my twenty-ninth birthday from now on."

"Noted. So, when is it?" he asked again.

"When's what?" she said, feigning ignorance.

"All right, fine," he said with a roll of his eyes and a laugh. He walked into the closet and grabbed one of his long sleeved shirts. "Here, you can wear this, but no underwear."

"Are you kidding? You want me to walk around the house without my panties on, right in front of the big wall of see-through glass, for all the people out there on the beach to see?"

"Damn it…" he said under his breath and left the bathroom. He returned a few minutes later and handed her a pair of his pajama bottoms. "Your underwear's in the washer. But once we get back in bed, everything's coming off, you hear me?"

"I wouldn't have it any other way."

"You dip your bacon in maple syrup?" Jace asked.

"Yeah, I've done it since I was a little girl. Copyright 2016 - 2024