Cursive - By Phoebe Lane Page 0,62

of him she took in, the faster she wanted to go. After a few seconds of enjoying the delicious sensation of being completely filled by him, she started moving. Not surprisingly, the pleasure multiplied exponentially. Jace grunted and the sound inspired Aislynn to move faster. He put his hand on one of her nipples and pinched it in sync with her thrusts. The other hand made it to her hip and dug into her skin, helping guide her movements.

You feel so good…

"Slow down, babydoc…let me feel you for a while longer…" he said, breathing hard.

Aislynn collapsed on top of him, and kissed him, as he sucked her bottom lip into his mouth. She dug her nails in his chest and breathed heavily on his neck, taking in his scent and committing it to memory. After a few delicious minutes, he rolled them over and got on top of her. His thrusts were slow and measured, letting his whole length come out of her, before pushing it slowly back in.

Aislynn felt as if all parts of her, every particle that composed her mind and her body, aligned in perfect order anytime he was inside her. When he pulled out, everything turned into chaos again. Both in a physical and an emotional way, Jace brought harmony into a life of turmoil.

"Oh, fuck," he said, as he sat back on his legs and watched himself thrust in and out of her. He took her leg and rested it on his shoulder, while her other leg snaked around his waist. The change in angle provided the most intense feeling deep within her.

Oh my God…I might combust…

Aislynn felt him getting closer and closer to his own release. A thin film of sweat had formed on his chest, his breathing had accelerated, and his grip on her was getting tighter and tighter. He then put his free hand on her and started circling her center.

Aislynn let out a loud whimper as she felt herself unravel, her head swimming away from her body, going off to the land of orgasmic pleasure, and making no promises to come back.

"You look so amazing like that…" he said, and pushed hard into her three more times before he came, and then collapsed on top of her, still pulsing inside her.

Aislynn worked on slowing down her breathing and gently ran her fingers through his hair. He moved to lay down next to her and put his arm around her shoulders. She snuggled to his side and hugged him, as her eyelids got heavy, and her efforts to stay awake became fruitless.

Aislynn woke up laying down flat on her stomach, and felt Jace's fingers running down her back, softly pointing at certain spots on her body.

"Hey…what are you doing?" she asked, trying to turn around.

"No, don't move," he ordered, gently pushing her back down into bed, and continued caressing her back. "I was watching you sleep, and I noticed that you have a tiny freckle behind your ear. I got curious, so I started looking for more. Did you know you have thirteen freckles and tiny birthmarks all over your body?"

Aislynn giggled and closed her eyes. For the first time in a year, she felt light, content…happy. "I have one next to my belly button. Did you count that one?"

"No, I didn't get to see the ones on the front. You've been passed out cold for the last thirty minutes," he said with a smile as he watched her turn over. "Ah, there it is…fourteen," he said, and kissed the spot softly.

"You wore me out, Mr. Quinn. It's your fault I passed out," she said playfully.

"Rendering you unconscious after making love to you really strokes my ego, you know."

"Yeah, well…Your ego deserves the stroking. That was amazing," she said as she put her hands on his face, pulled him to her, and kissed him. She meant to do it softly, but something came over her and the kiss deepened. "And I want more…"

Jace startled out of sleep and adjusted his eyes to the soft morning light coming in through the window. He suddenly noticed that his breathing was labored and heavy. Aislynn's warm hand was wrapped around him and pumped slowly, her lips and tongue leaving a trail of kisses down his stomach. He looked down and caught sight of her licking her way down the side of his groin, and he involuntarily twitched in her hands.

She looked up, long dark lashes framing her seductive eyes. "I've wanted to lick this V Copyright 2016 - 2024