Cursive - By Phoebe Lane Page 0,60

her dress, letting it fall slowly down her legs and to the floor. She stood in front of him in her black lace lingerie and her laced-up satin heels.

"The shoes stay on for now…or maybe longer. We'll see," he said, looking up and down her half-naked body.

Jace turned her back around, grabbed her by the waist, and picked her up. Aislynn instinctively wrapped her legs around him and discovered how mind-blowing the contact felt through the thin fabric of her panties. She couldn't resist the urge to rub up against him as he carried her away, carefully avoiding knocking down lamps and running into furniture.

They made it to his room, and he set her down on his bed. Jace took off the rest of his clothes and crawled into bed with only his boxer briefs on, which did little to hide how he was really feeling. He kissed his way down from her neck, to her breasts, across her abdomen, down her legs, and finally reached her feet.

Very slowly, and with the patience of a monk, he untied her shoes, letting the satin ribbons dance through his fingers. Aislynn felt the tension build up in her belly as she imagined his fingers skillfully dancing around her skin and deep inside her. Her whole body trembled, but she felt anything but cold. He caressed his way up her body and moved to her hand.

"Your hand is still sore, so I'm doing all the work tonight. This is going to be about you," he said, his body hovering over her and his mouth less than an inch from hers. She raised her head and kissed him, pulling forcefully at his bottom lip, feeling an incredible impulse to bite and suck on it.

His hands moved down to her right breast and massaged it. She felt her nipples get hard, and Jace moved down to pull at one gently with his teeth through the thin mesh fabric of her bra. Moans escaped her as she instinctively closed her eyes in pleasure.

He pulled down the strap on her bra and kissed the length of it, moving from her shoulder down to where it met the cup. After carefully pulling it down with his teeth, he sucked at her nipple, alternating between hard and soft, just like he had done weeks before. Aislynn felt the walls in her entrance contract rhythmically, her wetness preparing her for what she couldn't wait to have inside her. Right at that moment, Jace put his leg between hers and nudged his knee right where she needed him most.

"Oh God…" Aislynn mumbled.

If she had been alone, imagining this scene in her head while touching herself, she would've already succumbed to her climax. But this was real life. It was Jace's hand on her body, his teeth on her nipple, and his leg pushing right on her center.

Reel it in and keep it together, Aislynn.

"You're flawless, babydoc. I've wanted so much to taste your body…you have no idea…" he said, and kissed his way down her chest and abdomen.

He moved his leg away from where it was imparting delicious pleasure, but soon enough replaced it with his mouth. He touched her over her panties, feeling her wetness on the lace fabric, and taking a deep breath in. She felt his fingers wrap around the thin satin strings on her hips and slide them down her legs, his warm breath crawling over her hypersensitive skin. Aislynn’s body instinctively arched, and Jace’s face buried in her center, his tongue exploring deeper than she had ever felt before.

Oh my God, he knows exactly what to do with his tongue. I'm in so much trouble.

"You taste amazing," he said, coming up for air, but not letting up on what he was doing. How the hell does he do that? His fingers roamed and pushed on all the areas that needed to be touched in order to intensify the feel of his tongue on her.

"Ahh…" Aislynn was sure she'd let out several other unintelligible words, most of them masked by her cries of pleasure.

"Aislynn, let go," Jace said after a few mind blowing minutes. She shook her head from side to side, refusing to open her eyes.

"Aislynn…let go. I can tell you're ready…" he said, more demanding this time.

"No," she mumbled, her concentration faltering, and her uninjured hand pulling forcefully at the sheets.

"I said let go."

Aislynn opened her eyes and looked down at him. It was the most erotic scene she had ever laid eyes on. She Copyright 2016 - 2024