Cursive - By Phoebe Lane Page 0,59

Chloe's presence at the party, and everyone appeared upset and on edge. Nina, in particular, looked murderous.

Note to self: don't piss off Mama Bear.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Chloe being escorted out of the restaurant by Evan. Nina tried to stand up when she spotted her walking out, but John put a hand on her shoulder and coaxed back into her chair.

After a few comforting words were exchanged between Nina, John, and Jace, and a round of drinks were shared, the heavy mood around the table finally lifted.

Just let it go.

Everyone’s attention was directed back to the fundraising activities after the main course. The winners for best dressed couples were announced, with Nina and John winning for "most classic costume." Ellie’s and Evan’s costumes were named "most recognizable," and one of Jace's clients and his wife took the crown for "most original costume" for their rendition of Andie and Ben on How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days.

Guests hit the dance floor after the awards were handed out, and Aislynn found herself melting into Jace's arms as he led her in a slow dance. She was right in the place where she needed to be. She wanted to lose herself in him and not think about her past life, Pam, Christopher, cancer, loss, ex-girlfriends, or weddings. She just wanted Jace.

Aislynn closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and opened up her mind. It was the only remaining part in her body that resisted embracing the truth.

That feeling…I recognize it now…

It's time. I'm jumping in.

Aislynn and Jace silently drove down the highway on their way home from the benefit dinner. It was late and she felt kind of uncomfortable in her costume. After pulling her gloves off, she started working on her tiara.

"What are you doing?" Jace asked in a panic.

"Taking this off 'cause it's giving me a headache. Why? What's wrong?" she asked, confused.

"Nothing. Umm…nothing," he said and tried to keep his eyes on the road.

"Jace, what is it?" she asked as she pulled at the band holding her hair up in a bun.

He put his hand on hers, essentially stopping her from releasing her hair. "I just have to tell you that I have no control over what happens if you do that. You've been warned."

Finally understanding what he meant, Aislynn couldn’t help the mischievous smile that spread across her lips. She let her hair fall down her back, and watched Jace stare at her with raw desire. Next thing she knew, he was going ninety miles per hour down the highway as his hand inched farther and farther up her leg.

They took the exit to his house and stopped at a red light. He immediately pulled her to him and kissed her. There were no questions, no warnings, just lips and tongue and moans. She was suddenly very impatient to get home.

"It's green, let's go," she demanded as shallow breaths escaped her mouth.

I want to feel your weight on top of me. I want to feel you inside of me.

"Hold that thought," Jace said, and raced down the street.

"Damn, did I just say that out loud?" Aislynn whispered in his ear, as she pulled at the hair in the back of his head and gently bit his earlobe.

"Not this time. I was talking about the kiss, but I would give anything to hear what you were thinking."

"I think I’d rather show you," she answered as he pulled up to his driveway.

They both hurried out of the car and into the house. Again, there were no words and no waiting, only want and need. As soon as the door closed behind them, Aislynn found herself pinned against the wall with his lips on hers. He tasted of almonds and scotch, and the feeling of their tongues sliding against each other made areas of her body pulse in anticipation.

That tongue on my jugular again. Damn, that feels good.

His hands explored her body, and Aislynn's breathing faltered. She pulled at his jacket, desperate to touch his naked chest.

"This is really in my way. Off. Now," Aislynn said with a smirk, and Jace quickly responded by taking off his jacket and tie.

Aislynn went to work on unbuttoning his shirt, as if her hands were being magnetically pulled to his skin. She could feel his pulse racing when she was finally able to place her hands over his heart.

He's alive. He's healthy. And tonight, he's mine.

Jace turned her around and pinned her to the door while he unzipped Copyright 2016 - 2024