Cursive - By Phoebe Lane Page 0,55

have plenty of time for that now, since I'll be in San Diego for the next few weeks."

Ellie and Aislynn had not discussed the details of what had happened the night before. When Aislynn came back to the apartment that morning, Ellie had welcomed her with a big hug and an unnecessary apology for not making it into town earlier to be with her. Aislynn felt truly blessed to have a friend like Ellie in her life.

"So, how did it go with Jace last night?" she gently asked.

"It was fine. I really hate that he saw me freak out, but I explained everything to him this morning as best I could."

Ellie abruptly stopped fixing her makeup, and looked up at Aislynn with suspicion. "What do you mean, 'as best I could'?" Aislynn tried to ignore the question by pretending to fix her tiara. "You told him about Christopher, right?"

"I did," Aislynn answered, but avoided eye contact with Ellie.

"But you didn't tell him everything about Christopher, did you?" Aislynn didn't have to answer. "You're walking a thin line there, Aislynn. This isn't going to end well," Ellie warned.

"I need some more time. Don't worry about it. It'll be fine. Let's just try to enjoy the party, okay?"

"Okay," Ellie said, clearly unconvinced. She reluctantly turned her attention back to her costume. "Now, how do I look?"

"Platinum blonde and hot pink looks great on you. Evan better bring the diamonds."

Jace dragged Aislynn into the back office as soon as she walked into Langley with Ellie.

"Jace, we really should get back to the party. Your parents are waiting for us, and…oh, God…" Aislynn trailed off, distracted by his mouth navigating the expanse of her neck. He kept flicking his tongue over the pulse in her jugular, and it drove her insane with pleasure.

"They'll be fine. I promise," he said and pinned her to the wall. She felt all the contours of his body pressing up against her.

"I didn't even get to say hello to them—" she added, but Jace interrupted her with a kiss. His tongue hungrily searched for hers, and Aislynn reveled in the sensation.

His lips eventually moved to her ear and bit it softly. "I'm sorry. I didn't get to do any of this earlier, and it's all I've been able to think about since you left the house," he said as he ran his hands down to her lower back.

"Okay, if you insist…"

"You look really amazing in that outfit, by the way," Jace said, referring to her Breakfast at Tiffany's costume, complete with long black dress, black gloves, pearl necklace, and tiara. "But, to be honest, I'm more curious about what you're wearing underneath."

He didn't let her respond. He covered her mouth with his again and kissed her, his tongue massaging hers with urgency. Her hands instinctively went up to his hair and pulled it softly. She didn't even feel the sting on her hand where the stitches were.

Aislynn finally pulled away to catch her breath and watched him stare at her expectantly. "Please say you're coming home with me tonight," he said.

Aislynn thought about it for a second, but only to torture him. Deep in her heart, she already knew what she wanted to do. She was ready; it was time for her to take the next step with him.

"Yes," she whispered.

"All right. That's good," Jace said with a huge smile. "Let's go out there, then. Ready?"

The wine bar was alive with energy, laughter, and music. It had been rearranged to accommodate a small stage in the back corner of the main room, where a pianist was busy playing contemporary jazz pieces. Everyone was proudly wearing their "movie costumes," and most of them were easily recognizable. Aislynn immediately spotted Baby and Johnny from Dirty Dancing, Rose and Jack from Titanic, and Cecilia and Robbie from Atonement.

"Oh, sweetheart, you look fantastic!" Nina squealed and held Aislynn in a tight embrace.

"Thank you, but look at you! Sabrina is absolutely one of my favorite movies," she said, admiring Nina's long, black and white, strapless gown.

"It's one of my favorites, too. Plus," she said, whispering in her ear and motioning to her husband, who was quickly approaching them, "I've never been able to resist John in a white tux."

"Aislynn, it's so great to see you again. You look beautiful," he said.

"Thanks, Mr. Quinn," Aislynn said, feeling her face blush. These Quinn men really have an effect on me.

"Mr. Quinn is my father, and he wasn't a very nice man. It's John, please."

"All right, John."

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