Cursive - By Phoebe Lane Page 0,54


Aislynn paused and thought of her best friend. "Ellie came back into my life in full force after things ended with Christopher. She brought all her sparkle along with her, and gave me the strength and hope to keep going," Aislynn said, spilling tears of happiness at that point. "Her coming back into my life had been the best thing that had happened to me in the last twelve months…until I met you."

Aislynn turned toward Jace and looked into his bright green eyes, bringing her hands up to his face. "I need you to understand that yesterday wasn't all about Christopher. It was about me and not being in the place I want to be yet." Jace put his hands over hers and brought them to his lips, kissing them softly and placing them on his lap.

"I struggle with…control," she continued. "I've had to live my life learning to control my emotions, learning to put aside my needs and my feelings because it was the only way to put up with my mom and her constant criticism. If I had let go of my self-control, if I hadn't learned to build all these walls around me, I would've never survived her.

"Then, to top it all off, I decided to go into a profession that demands I have absolute, full control of myself. I have to keep it together no matter what I see, or what I hear from my patients. That is my job. I…contain."

"How can I help you get where you want to be?" Jace asked.

"You already have. You have no idea how many doors you've been able to open for me without even trying. You're…you have…" Aislynn said, struggling with her words.

"Okay, this is going to sound really stupid, so humor me because it's really the best way I can explain it." Jace nodded and smiled softly. "You're like that allergy commercial, where the woman walks out into the garden, takes in the scenery, and makes you believe everything looks fine. But then, after she takes the medicine, the picture clears up, and all the colors pop out, becoming brighter and sharper," Aislynn said, taking in Jace's confused expression. "I had already started living my life in color again, but when you walked into it, the colors just exploded. You make my life brighter and in high definition."

"So you're trying to say I'm like your antihistamine?" Jace asked with a chuckle.

"I guess you are," Aislynn said and laughed.

Jace's smile faded but remained in his eyes. He brought his hand up to her chest and rested it over her heart. "I really hate that you've been through all that, babydoc. I'm sorry that the people who were supposed to love you and protect you have hurt you so much. I wish no one had ever had access to break this beautiful heart of yours," Jace said, and Aislynn felt her armor crack.

He kissed her softly, tenderly, and without urgency. They sat in silence, holding each other until their coffee turned ice cold and people started coming out of their homes and onto the beach, disrupting their little safe haven.

"I can't promise you that I'll never mess up and do something that will hurt you, but I'm going to try my very best to prevent it," he added. "You've got to do something for me, though."

"What's that?"

"You've got to let me in," he said softly. "You've got to put all these walls you’ve had to build around yourself down and give me a chance to be here for you."

"I will…I am," Aislynn said and hugged him tightly. "I'm really glad I told you all this."

"I am, too. Let's go home?" Aislynn nodded and held his hand as they got up and walked to the house. "We have my mom's benefit party tonight. You still feel like going?" Jace asked.

"Yeah, ‘cause Ellie is going to let me take away her chance to dress me up. I swear I'm like her life-size doll."

"Aren't you glad I chose this outfit for you? You can hide the bandage on your hand under the gloves," Ellie said.

"Yeah, it's perfect." Aislynn examined herself in the mirror and readjusted her dress. "Is it horrible that I’ve never watched Breakfast at Tiffany’s, yet I just absolutely adore this outfit?"

"We'll have to watch it on our next girls’ night, then."

"Another girls’ night, Ellie?" Aislynn asked, with doubt in her voice and an exaggerated roll of her eyes.

"No boys this time, I promise," she said with a playful smile. "We'll Copyright 2016 - 2024