Cursive - By Phoebe Lane Page 0,26

things just months before the wedding? Why didn't you talk to me? she screamed at him in her head, and felt the anger invade her heart.

But he was right; she'd never had the strength to demand answers before and wondered if she ever would. It terrified her to think that his explanations would hurt much more than learning to live with all the unanswered questions.

"I don't think I'm ready for answers yet," she finally said.

"I can respect that," he whispered, looking down at her. "So, who's the guy?"

"Oh my God, Christopher, don't!" she said angrily, standing up to take a step away from him, and holding both of her palms up in a defensive stance. "Don't you dare go there."

"I'm sorry. I just…I want to know you're okay."

"You lost that right the moment you left me," Aislynn seethed, staring into his eyes, which were ridden with melancholy. They had lost their sparkle, there was no depth, and she could no longer read them like she could before. She walked away from him feeling some vindication in the fact that it was her turning her back on him, for once.

Deep breaths; slow your heart rate down, she thought as she walked back toward the house. She desperately tried to shake off the effect of the encounter before getting back to Jace. You're probably really pale; get that blood circulating back to your face. Your hands are still shaking; calm yourself down or he'll notice it.

"Aislynn, are you all right?" Jace asked, coming down the steps toward the beach.

"Yes, I'm fine. This place is so beautiful," she said, in an attempt to deflect.

"You've said that already, but you look troubled...scared even. Are you sure you're okay? Did something happen?"

Aislynn stared into his bright green eyes and lost herself in them for a moment. It warmed her heart to realize he was sincerely worried.

Now, these eyes I can read.

She reached for his hand, but surprised herself by snaking her arms around his waist and pulling him in for a hug instead. Everything slowed down at that point. She felt the calm she had lost a few minutes before overtake her once again. She loved the feeling of his warmth around her, his chin resting on her head, and the sound of his soft kisses in her hair.

"I'm great now. Thank you."

"Are you sure you’re okay?" he whispered and she nodded. "Are you ready to go?" Aislynn nodded once again, not wanting to let go of him. "My car or yours?"

"You drive like a maniac. I'm never letting you drive my car again," Jace said as they got their things out of the trunk of his Lotus Exige S Roadster.

"I'm pretty judicious about most things in life, but come on! That car has the power to be driven like that," she said, jumping up and down in excitement.

"I know that! That's why I bought it. But a hundred and ten miles per hour on the interstate at three in the afternoon is not…prudent."

"All right, old man. You'll drive from now on. But for the record, I love your car!" Aislynn said, almost squealing.

"You know what? If it's going to get you this excited every time, then you can drive it as much as you want. Just, please, don't kill me," he said, chuckling.

"Deal," she said while grinning up at him.

"I'm glad the drive got you back in a good mood. Whatever had you upset at the beach is now forgotten?"

"Yes, it is," she said with confidence but with a lingering burning in her chest. "What's going on here?" Aislynn asked, pointing to the crowd gathering around the park.

"It’s an outdoor concert series. Admittedly, this park is a little touristy, but it’s still one of my favorite things to do in the city," Jace said as they set up under a tree and unpacked the food Aislynn had brought. "Wine and cheese? We might as well be French," he added.

"The French got it right. Besides, the book says 'French Women Don't Get Fat.' Who am I to disagree with the lifestyle?" Aislynn had also packed fruit and crackers, and her favorite cuts of charcuterie—prosciutto, dry salami, and sopressata.

Jace stared at the display of meats and chuckled. "Oh, this reminds me—Marty sends his love."

"Who’s Mar—Oh my God! You went to the roast beef sandwich place?"

"Yes. I walked to the counter to order it just the way you told me to and the guy automatically asked me if it was for Lynny."

"No way! I can’t believe he Copyright 2016 - 2024