Cursive - By Phoebe Lane Page 0,25

I'll plan everything. It's going to be fantastic."

Jace anticipated the party would also be a great opportunity for Ellie to meet new prospective clients. This in turn could lead to having her around often, which was sure to make Evan a very happy man. The guy was a goner. All he did was talk about Ellie.

I'm starting to understand the feeling, he thought, as his phone chirped with a new text message from Aislynn.

On my way. ETA 5 minutes. I got the food. Where are we going, anyway?

Can't wait to show you the place. Not telling. See you soon.

"Wow, that's quite a smile you've got there, Romeo," Ellie said.

"Drop it, Jem," he jibed.

Jace watched Aislynn get out of her car, her face lighting up with a gorgeous smile as soon they locked eyes with each other.

God, I missed her, he thought.

Jace welcomed her with a hug and softly caressed her lips with the tips of his fingers before kissing her. If he could describe her taste as a texture, it had to be the feeling of cotton candy as it melts in your mouth. It was sweet, comforting, but disappeared too fast and left you desperate for more.

"Your hair is up," Jace said, running his fingers through a few loose strands.

"It's a bit warm out today, and you won't tell me where we're going."

"Fair enough. Okay, let me show you around the house. Hurricane Ellie passed through and turned this place upside down," he said with a smirk.

"Wow. Ellie, you really outdid yourself," she said after they toured the house, and then turned to Jace. "Your house is amazing, and that view is spectacular," she said, pointing to the deck in the back of the house. It overlooked the water, which was only a couple of hundred feet away. There was a short flight of stairs on the side of the deck that led directly down to the beach.

"So, where are you guys off to?" Ellie asked casually.

"Yes, where are we off to?" Aislynn repeated, smiling mischievously at Jace.

"I'm taking you to Balboa Park. Time for you to fall in love with this city," he answered.

Fall in love. Interesting choice of words.

Aislynn decided to go for a walk on the beach while Jace took a shower and got ready for their date. The sand felt warm on her feet, and the saltiness of the breeze reminded her of childhood trips to the coast with her dad.

I miss you so much, Daddy.

She sat down on a large piece of driftwood that was close to the water and enjoyed the solitude. It was the most peaceful she'd felt in a long time. She imagined Jace sitting next to her, planting soft kisses on her neck, and his warm body embracing her. She immediately felt a rush of both exhilaration and panic. The instinct to shut down was overwhelming, but she forced herself to feel the emotions. Aislynn knew it was an important step she needed to take in order to start moving on.


That is not the voice I want to hear, she thought in horror.

"Christopher? What the hell are you doing here?" she tried to cry out, but her voice failed her, coming out as a whisper instead. The peace that had filled her just a few minutes before was now long gone. "What are you doing here?" she asked again, sternly this time.

"Pure coincidence, I swear. I was just as surprised to see you walk by. I’m actually staying for a few days in a house nearby," he said, pointing in the direction of where the clusters of houses were. Thankfully, Jace's house was no longer visible from her spot.

"Why are you here?"

"I'm in town for business again, I guess," he said, staring straight ahead to the water. Aislynn once again noticed Christopher's hesitation in his answer. He had done the same thing the first time she'd seen him at the hotel. "How are you doing? Is this where you're living now? How's work?"

"You have a lot of questions, Christopher," she snapped but he failed to respond. "Are you ever going to have any answers for me?" she asked harshly.

"If you want answers, then you're going to have to ask the questions first."

Aislynn thought about what he had said for a while, and stared straight out toward the horizon. Just like in the elevator, she refused to look at him. Her hands were shaking, and she could feel her heartbeat in her ears.

Why did you leave me? Why did you end Copyright 2016 - 2024