Cursive - By Phoebe Lane Page 0,16

things to his body, but it made him realize he had missed her much more than he felt comfortable admitting at this point.

When Evan mentioned he was meeting up with Ellie at the club that night, he immediately invited himself to come along. Following his best friend’s not so subtle advice, Jace finally decided it was time to stop messing around with women and give it a go with Aislynn.

She feels different.

He watched Aislynn as she walked toward him and admired her breathtaking beauty. "Come on, darling," he said, mocking Ellie’s pet name for Evan. "It's time to dance."

Aislynn hadn't felt that hot in a long time. And she meant hot, as in her body temperature was way above the normal 98.6 degrees; and hot, as in she felt all hot and bothered.

It was very difficult not to feed off the energy of those dancing around them—some people were just shy of sexing it up right there on the dance floor—but it was damn almost impossible not to feed off Jace's energy. The man was making dormant parts of her body wake up in full alert.

The beat of the music thumped in Aislynn's chest. As Cristina Aguilera and Adam Levine sang to each other about kissing until they were drunk, taking control of her body, rubbing it right, and moving like Jagger, Aislynn and Jace dangerously crossed over the line of proper and civilized dancing behavior.

His hands snaked around her waist and pulled her closer, making her one with his body.

His lips softly trailed along the line between her neck and her hair.

His mouth ghosted over her throat and breathed in her delicious scent.

Her hands grabbed his neck and gently pulled at his soft hair.

Their hips met and she almost lost all self-control.

Aislynn hadn't felt that alive in a very long time. As the music transitioned to a different song, she found herself lost in a sea of want. He involuntarily licked his bottom lip and exhaled softly, his eyes sending her a very clear message.

"I need to say something to you," Aislynn rushed out, while pulling a little harder on the hair on his neck. "Just remember I don't usually drink a lot, and I've had three martinis tonight."

He smiled and lifted his hand to caress her cheek. "Blaming it on the alcohol already, huh? Now I'm really curious about what you're going to say."

"Okay, well, I know this is traditionally the part where the guy asks the girl if she wants to go home to…to…" Aislynn stuttered.

"To fuck all night?"

Aislynn felt her whole body respond to his comeback—her heart took off racing, her stomach dropped, and she suddenly became very aware of how wet she was. "I've had a few drinks too, so I'm not gonna pretend I'm sorry for saying that," he added with a smirk.

"Okay, I appreciate your bluntness," Aislynn somehow managed to respond. "But don't you think hooking up now, under these circumstances, while we're both sort of drunk, is too predictable?"

"I guess you're right," Jace said, and pulled her unexplainable closer to his body. "Then allow me be somewhat unpredictable for a moment."


"Let me take you out. No more 'non-date' bullshit. A proper date. Just us."

Aislynn thought for a moment, before a huge smile spread across her face. "I can't wait."

Oh my God. What did I just do?

Aislynn forced herself to drink plenty of water before going to bed that night. If med school taught her nothing else, she had learned that rehydration was the best way to prevent a hangover. It was still quite early when she woke up the next morning, but she didn't feel like getting up from bed. What made her decide to call her mother, not even she could figure out. Every conversation with Pam had the potential for some form of drama.

"Good morning."

"Hi, sweetheart. You're calling early," Pam said.

"I know. I figured you would be up. It's two hours later there, right?"

"Yes, but I've been up for a while. I had a nightmare last night that a box was chasing after me."

"That's right. I forgot the move was a few days ago. How did it go?"

"It was hectic, as expected. I'm unpacking the kitchen stuff now and you'll never guess what I just found," she said excitedly. "Remember that book of family recipes you asked me to make for you when you were about sixteen?"

I was eleven, Mom. "Wow, that's still around? Did you ever get to finish it?" Aislynn asked with forced enthusiasm.

"Not really. Maybe I'll work Copyright 2016 - 2024