Cursive - By Phoebe Lane Page 0,15

gonna see you tonight after all," she responded.

"Traitor!" Aislynn repeated, in mock disgust.

"Let's dance, darling," Ellie said, seductively pulling Evan to the dance floor.

Jace slid over closer to where Aislynn was sitting, his delicious scent making it even harder for her to control her body's reaction to his proximity. "So, dancing, huh?" he asked with a smirk.

"I would like to go on the record and say that Ellie dragged me here kicking and screaming and under completely false pretenses," Aislynn said and chuckled as the waiter approached the table to take their drink orders. "Martini, please."

"Scotch on the rocks," Jace added.

"I never would have thought you were a scotch drinker. It's old school."

"You're calling me old?" Jace said with fake contempt. "What about you, ordering a martini?"

"Martinis may be old school but they are also James Bond cool."

"All right, you got me on that," Jace conceded.

"So, what’s up with you?"

"I’ve been in Boston all week working on a contract for a new business investment. It was absolutely crazy and hectic. "

"Another bar?"

"No, it’s an internet security company."

"Oh, wow. Mixing things up?"

"I interned at my dad’s investment company throughout college and I tried to soak in as much as I could. He always said investments should be kept diverse in the beginning, to give you time until you can find your niche."

"Like med school—you try out all the specialties before you decide which one you want to pursue."

"Exactly," he said and paused to take a sip of his scotch. "I thought a lot about calling you."

Aislynn's stomach flipped flopped and her breathing faltered. "Why didn't you?"

A playful smile spread across his lips, but his eyes remained focused on the glass in his hands. "I realize this makes me sound like a fourteen-year-old boy with a crush, but…I was really nervous."

"Oh my God! I just said the same thing to Ellie. I swear I haven't acted this way since I had braces," Aislynn said and blushed.

"What a pair we make," Jace said, reaching for her hand under the table and holding it in his. "So, how was your week?"

Aislynn told him all about her writing, which he appeared to be very interested in hearing about. Betty the Muse, as she lovingly called her, had graced her with her presence the whole week, and Aislynn had been able to produce some great work.

Evan and Ellie stopped by the table often, but Jace and Aislynn remained focused on each other, talking about anything and everything. They were able to jump right where they had left off after Evan's dinner party.

"Come on guys, let's go dance," Ellie said, while pulling both of them off their seats.

"All right, all right! Meet you guys there in a sec." Aislynn started making her way to the restroom, but Jace grabbed her hand and pulled her back to him.

"I’m sorry I forgot to tell you before…You look stunning tonight."

"Thank you," Aislynn said shyly, looking down at her white satin blouse and sparkly gold mini skirt. "It's all Ellie's doing."

"Remind me to send her a thank you card, then."

"That would make two thank you cards you owe her." Jace stared at her, clearly confused. "Never mind. Inside joke," Aislynn said while pointing at her head, and then walked off.

Jace waited for Aislynn by the bar next to the dance floor and thought about what his next step would be. During his time in Boston, he had allowed himself to think of her often. Distance had somehow made it easier for him to sit down and think about Evan's "get your head out of your ass" pep talk. The last two women he had seriously dated had turned out to be cold-hearted bitches, but it had been a year since he had broken things off with Lia and maybe it was time for him to get back in the saddle.

Aislynn had made it incredibly difficult for him to stay away. He couldn't get her out of his mind. He had thought about her when he flipped channels and saw a baseball game on; he had thought about her when he walked by the Victoria's Secret storefront; he had even thought about her when one of his clients mentioned an upcoming trip to England.

Scotland is to the north of England. That's where the Loch Ness Monster lives. Didn't Aislynn say something about—


Jace had even tried to call her once while he was away, but the call had gone straight to voicemail. Hearing her voice in the message had not only done unimaginable Copyright 2016 - 2024