This Curse - By Alisha Basso Page 0,37

one of my own. But so far, I had chosen to live a very frugal and restrained life. Inhaling the wonderful scent of leather and luxury, I thought that it was finally time for a change. I shook my head and opened the door. The young wolf standing close to the car stumbled back in shock when I stepped from the car. I had control over my pheromones as part of the glamour, but no one had ever seen a true Madea in the flesh. As far as I knew, they had no idea what I was.

Pleased at his reaction and safe in the knowledge that my pheromones were in fact locked safely away, I dropped the keys into his hand. “Take care of her,” I smiled and then with a laugh, I slipped my index finger under his chin and shut his gaping mouth.

I strode with purpose towards the double doors of the club. Past the serpentine, line that snaked like a living river around the building. Humans and sups crowded together, all clamoring for a chance to rub elbows, drink, and possibly make a connection that they could wake up to in the morning.

I scanned the crowd as I approached, noting the number of supernatural creatures. There were more in this line then I felt comfortable with. I nodded to the bouncer. His eyes widened as I approached and I was struck with sudden recognition. He was the dirty tattooed man. The scout.

Well, well, well.

“Nice to see you again,” I plucked his name from his head. “Nickola.” I whispered close to his ear, my breath fanning his cheek as I brushed passed him. My energy was humming tonight. Not only from the rush of exposing my true form, but from the rush I was experiencing at the shock of my presence.

I entered the club without a backward glance, the stares of the curious wolves a caress at my back.

The music was a roaring, confusing knot of bass and mumbling voices. I approached the bar. The bartender was leaning close to a pretty human woman. She was young. Barely sliding by on a fake ID from the look of her. I smiled and made my way to her side. Leaning down, I whispered in her ear. Her eyes glazed and she was suddenly up, heading towards the exit. I slid into her spot and crossed my legs.

“What’ll it be?” The handsome young werewolf smiled and then his Irish brogue stumbled when he looked at me.

“Ahh, an Irishman,” I sighed as I regarded him. “Yum,” I smiled, “I just love the Irish.” I leaned forward smiling at his frozen expression, “One word from your lips,” I reached out and slid a finger across his bottom lip, “is music to my ears.” He pulled his lip into his mouth and closed his eyes. “How about you go and fetch your boss?” When he opened his eyes they had changed from brown to a deep gold color and his pupils had enlarged. Funny, I didn’t think he could taste much from just my touch. I nodded when he began to move. “There’s a good puppy.” I stood and walked away smiling.

I made my way to the edge of the dance floor and stood back, watching. Bodies moved about in a constant mimic of more sensual things. Thighs touched, shoulders bumped, and hands sought to grasp even the smallest handful of pleasure.

I shook my head. How many of these clueless women would be sleeping with a werewolf tonight? How many would be hunted? Run to ground like sheep? Too many, I thought and knew they all had to go.

It was a small matter, compelling them, planting thoughts. Soon, I thought, the crowd would disappear.

I slid into a chair at a small table. The human man sitting across from me smiled. “Hey, beautiful,” he slurred. “Can I get you a drink?” He inched his chair closer and I recoiled at the strong acrid stench of hard alcohol on his breath. I sighed, I hated to be rude so I smiled, “Oh, thank you, but no.” I said, trying to sound kind but firm. I looked around to see if my little friend had announced my presence to the higher ups. Nothing seemed to be happening as of yet and I sighed, slumping back into the chair.

The eager man next to me was getting bolder. He placed his hand atop mine and I jerked my eyes to his. “You will leave this place,” I compelled Copyright 2016 - 2024