This Curse - By Alisha Basso Page 0,36

live peacefully. I was the biggest kid on the playground, magically speaking, so everyone wanted a piece of me just to prove that they were bigger and badder. Well this kid was taking off the gloves and throwing down.

I slid my feet into a pair of nude, platform stilettos and strode to the door of my bedroom. I knew my makeup was flawless and I could feel the metallic locks of my hair brush along my shoulders and neck in its strange and unnatural dance. I shook it out and for the first time I felt my beauty radiating from my skin. I felt amazing, I felt powerful, and finally, I felt like myself.

A true Madea.

Seth was fastening a row of silver throwing knives onto his bicep when I entered the kitchen. The knives fell to the floor with a clatter.

Pleased, I approached him.

His eyes and teeth vamped out instantly as he stared at me. A low growl rose from deep in his throat.

I felt a tingle race along my skin. The danger he kept leashed just under the surface always thrilled me and I felt a sigh escape.

I never saw him move, I just found myself in his arms as he crushed me to his body. He smelled my hair and another low growl rumbled from his chest.

“Seth?” I mumbled into the rough fabric of his shirt. I wasn’t scared. Even with the show of teeth and hunger in his eyes, I knew he wouldn’t hurt me.

“Grace,” he spoke slowly. “My sweet. How can I let you endanger yourself?” He stepped away; keeping a hold of my arms, he examined me closely. “You are astonishingly beautiful.” His grip on my arms tightened.

“Seth,” I shook my head, “it isn’t up to you. You aren’t letting me do anything.” I stepped out of his grasp.

He turned and picked up the fallen knives. “Of course,” he said as he struggled with the straps. Then out of frustration it seemed, he closed his eyes and the straps fastened magically around his muscular arm. I just shook my head in wonder at all he had been hiding.

“I know you do not belong to me, Sweet.” He sighed and picked up the remaining items on the table. Shoving them roughly into various pockets hidden in his suit, he looked up and met my eyes. “Your blood calls to me in so many ways. I try to ignore it, to turn the hunger away, but,” he ran his hand down his face, “it hurts.” He shook his head then turned away from me and left the room.


Power surrounded me in the form of a stolen Mercedes-Benz SLS. Well, stolen was a strong word. I merely borrowed it. The second I stepped into Seachain an Madra the car would return to the show room floor and no one would be the wiser.

I shifted and pushed the accelerator to the floor. The thrill of flying through the city in such a sexy vehicle made my feminine heart go pitter-patter.

Our plan hadn’t really included this little treat, but, as I explained to Seth, I was an all-powerful Madea, and I had to make an entrance. After all, distraction was a big part of our plan. Seth, on the other hand, needed stealth and secrecy.

I went over everything in my mind. I would act as a distraction while Seth snuck in. We would kill several birds with one stone. Get the wolves off my back, rescue the woman, and recover the blood. At one point during our plan, Seth thought he was being smart and suggested I just magically zap the stolen blood back to my house. I wish it could have been as easy as that, but Voltaire was master in this game and his powers were just too hard for me to decipher. His evil taint was a confusing puzzle to my Madea power and I just couldn’t get past it.

So, we had to stick to my plan. It all seemed easy enough, which, now that I was thinking about it, had me questioning its success.

The line leading from the entrance to the club was impressive. The wolves certainly knew how to draw in a crowd.

I pulled into a spot close to the Valet. I watched in amusement as several young men fell all over themselves to get to my silver beauty. I sighed and ran my hand over the steering wheel. Thanks to the money I inherited from my best friend, I had the ability to get Copyright 2016 - 2024