A Crown Of Smoke And Ash - Sloane Murphy Page 0,57

home, something to do with Witch council business I guess.” They each move into the kitchen to grab a drink before sitting at the table with us.

Kain, sipping a mug of warmed blood, the others with coffee. I’m sure the blood should make me feel gross, but it’s a part of who he is, and if he drinks it this way for me, so that he does not feed on other humans, I’m okay with that.

It might have taken the others a little longer to come around to it, but after being scolded by Everly that if she was okay with it, and she’s human, they sure as hell should be, and shouldn’t make him feel bad for a basic bodily need, they haven’t uttered a word.

Everly starts dishing up, and I realize she’s cooked different things for each of us. The woman is a fucking treasure. Eggs benedict lands in front of me, Levi has blueberry pancakes with chopped strawberries, banana, nuts and cream. Pancakes with syrup and bacon for Creek, then a plate of steak and eggs for Roman, with Kain just having pastries.

“You have out done yourself, Everly!” I exclaim, and she beams.

“It’s nice to cook for people who enjoy it,” she says, blushing a little as I groan around my food. I could definitely get used to this life. She sits down, a cup of tea and granola with fruit and for herself, and I roll my eyes at the lack of effort for herself but she waves me off with a scoff.

I eat far too quickly, the beautifulness being gone far too soon, but I’m more than satisfied as I lean back in my chair. I wait for the others to finish, happily sipping on my coffee when Levi’s smile drops as he finishes reading the documents Serafina bought to him.

“Is everything okay, dear?” Everly asks, braver than me, with the storm in his eyes. He crumples the documents in his hands, and I practically feel the storm rolling from him. The clouds outside darken, and I realize the storm inside of him isn’t the only power he possesses. Rain starts to lash against the window and Everly squeaks, jumping to her feet, and starts to clear the table.

“Levi.” I put a hand on his arm, trying to calm him, knowing that whatever he just read is far from okay. “Levi, you need to take a breath.”

He looks down at me, his eyes darker than usual, the way they seem to go when he’s angry, but he takes a deep breath, and the rain slows to a stop, but the air in here is practically charged. The other guys all on edge, ready to defend themselves should he lose control of whatever lives inside of him.

Though, I fear, if he truly lost control, none of us would stand a chance.

“Angel glass,” he says through gritted teeth. Roman and Kain’s gazes both whip to him, and I look to Creek, to find him as in the dark as I am.

“What is Angel glass?” I ask softly.

“It is what was used to attack the Hunters,” he says.

“Angel glass, how is that even possible?” Kain asks, a mix of fear and horror in his voice as he looks at me.

“It must be wrong,” Roman says. “Your sources fucked up.”

“They checked, and then rechecked. It’s not a fuck up,” Levi responds, his anger still palpable.

“Will someone please explain what the hell Angel glass is?” I ask again, trying to get them to look at me.

“Angel glass, is the only weapon alive that can truly harm an Angel, it would take a shot to the heart to kill them, but to a Hunter, it is lethal. You are lucky your people survived,” Kain says, when Levi doesn’t seem to be able to form the words.

“Holy shit,” Creek says, eyes wide. “How the hell did they get it? And how is it we’ve never heard of it?”

“What they have, is not pure Angel glass, it is why the Hunters survived. The Demons they summoned must have traded it, but what they were given in return, I dare not think about. There is only one way to get pure Angel glass, but they do not have access to it.” Levi explains.

“What do you mean?” Creek asks.

“Angel glass can only be mined by a Shadow Walker. The composite must be mixed with Angel blood, hence its name. But Shadow Walkers no longer exist. The last was killed in the War of the Fallen,”

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