Crossroads (Beautiful Biker MC Romance Series) - DD Prince Page 0,91

didn’t seem to like you dancing with that big biker. Is that her crush or something?”

“No. That’s her cousin. She kind of has a hate on for him.”

Chase laughed. “And you?”

I smiled.

“You got the opposite of hate on for him?”

“It’s complicated,” I said.

“Almost always is.” He shook his head and took a long draw from his beer. “Which is why it’s best to leave things uncomplicated.”

Jordan came back with my drink.

“Thanks, Jordan,” I said.

“Sure thing,” she said and then she shot Chase a sexy look as she went back to the bar.

“You’re lookin’ to bring someone home tonight, I think Jordan would be game.”

He smiled. “Got no time for anything serious right now, so Jordan might be just the ticket, actually. Unless you’re down?”

“Are you assuming that because she’s a waitress in a biker bar that she’s just someone to waste a night with so you can get off? Because if that’s how you think, you could be missing out on a good woman.”

He gave me a wide smile. “You’re someone who’s not yet jaded about love, aren’t you?”

I shrugged. “It’s just stupid to make assumptions about someone when you don’t really know them or their story.”

“Yeah, well I’d rather not know anyone’s story right now. Got a full plate. So… since your…situation is complicated with the giant angry biker, how about a few hours of uncomplicated pleasure with me?” He leaned in and twirled a ringlet of my hair around his finger and put his mouth to my ear. “I could make you feel very fucking good tonight, Jojo. I get off on making people feel good; it’s my kink. Would you let me do that for you?” And then he brought my hand to his mouth and kissed it.

“Shouldn’t you be back on stage by now?” my brother Spencer was suddenly right there behind us.

“And you’d be?” Chase gave him a dirty look.

“Her brother and part owner in the bar who happens to be payin’ you tonight.” Spence folded his arms across his chest and looked down his nose.

I caught sight of Ella trying to block Deacon. My guess? Deacon was about to intervene and Ella cut it off.

“For fuck sakes why is there so much testosterone in this place,” I grumbled.

“Look around baby sister,” Spence replied. “You wanted estrogen you shoulda thought twice before steppin’ in this bar tonight.”

My eyes scanned the place and I saw more than one set of unhappy eyes on us. This place was like a big chastity belt around my waist with all these bikers who saw me as their princess and Chase as the rocker who was absolutely not going to score with me if they could help it.

I sighed. “I’m good Spency. Back off.”

He glared at Chase. “Your band is up there ‘n ready for you. Finish your show and be on your way. And next set break, do not be anywhere near my sister.”

“Wow,” Chase laughed. “You guys should just maybe all piss on her to ward off anyone getting a whiff of her sweet ass.”

Spencer advanced and I blocked him. “Come on. For fuck sakes. This is bloody ridiculous. I’m going back to my table. Have a good rest of your night, Chase, and best of luck with your tour. I’ll watch TMZ for tales of your exploits.”

Chase gave me a huge smile and downed his beer before getting back up on stage. The guy was fearless. And had future asshole rock star written all over him.

Spencer looked deep into my eyes. “Imagine when everyone sees the sweet ass on that fucking calendar. Fuckin’ need to marry you off and hand someone else the bullshit that’ll come with that.”

“That’s enough,” came the deep voice of my father.

Spencer clamped his teeth together, then walked out the door, lighting a cigarette on his way out.

I shook my head. “Thanks, Dad.”

“Not a bad idea,” he grumbled, “Since you won’t let me put you in a nunnery.”

I barked out a laugh.

Deacon moved in. “You think this shit’s funny?”

“It’s hilarious. I’m goin’ back to the table with my friends. Feel free to resume operation virtual chastity belt.” I rolled my eyes and walked back toward Ella. “You’re on my shit list, Ella,” I told her.

“What?” she asked innocently.

“Making Chase ask me to have a drink with him so you can get me away from your cousin.”

“You did what?” Deacon glared at Ella.

“Nevermind,” Ella muttered and pulled me away from Deacon.

He gave her a dark look.

“Tattletale,” Ella mumbled as she got us away from Copyright 2016 - 2024