Crossroads (Beautiful Biker MC Romance Series) - DD Prince Page 0,90

up, “Jukebox break. Thanks for comin’ out tonight. Got any song requests that you think’ll fit our style, write it down and give it to your bartender Coco, and we’ll see if we can accommodate a couple. When you write ‘em down, there’s a perforation with a tab for you to keep with our socials and a code you can scan to download a song for free. Thanks, everybody.”

“Why are you stayin’ at Jenna’s?” Christian asked.

“Miss me or something?” I asked.

He flexed his jaw. “You’re safer here. Maximum protection with all the brothers.”

“Rider’s pretty good at keepin’ me safe. Plus he’s got an alarm system.”

He made a grumble sound.

“Song’s over,” I said because the jukebox was on and the music wasn’t slow and yet he was still dancing slow with me.

He frowned.

“You can let go of me now,” I told him.

He stepped back like I was poison.

I shook my head at him and smiled before I spun to head back to the booth, but then I was colliding with a body. I looked up into Chase’s eyes.

“Oh, sorry,” I said.

Shit. Not him, now. How’d he get here so fast?

“I’m not,” Chase said and smiled.

“You got a set of balls on you or you got a death wish?” Christian bit off, from behind me, leaning over where I was sandwiched between them as he got in the guy’s face.

“Why, man?”

“You just saw her dancin’ with me. You fuckin’ apologized to me for hittin’ on her last time you were here. What the fuck?”

My father was suddenly here.

“Hey man, great set,” Dad said. His eyes bounced between Christian and Chase.

“Thanks, Deke. Great place to play. Love the acoustics here.” Chase took a step back.

I still had Christian at my back and it took everything in me to not lean into him.

“Come see me after your next set. Wanna book you in for a third show. Don’t see your manager here tonight.”

“Fired him. Can’t do a third show any time soon. Heading out on tour, openin’ for Gorge.”

“Who?” Dad asked.

“They played during the Grammy’s, Dad. They’re from South Dakota and they’re on fire right now.”

“No shit?” Dad looked impressed.

I was impressed, too.

Chase smiled. “Stoked. Leave in a few days.”

I felt Christian back away from me. I looked over my shoulder to see he was stalking off back toward the bar.

“Congrats, man.” Dad shook Chase’s hand.

“Thank you, sir. I’d like to buy your daughter a drink if that’s all right with you.”

“That would be up to my daughter,” Dad said and glanced over at Christian who was now at the bar. Coco stood in front of him, pouring him a shot of whiskey.

Dad shot a questioning gaze at him before that gaze bounced over to me. He was trying to work out if something was happening with us. I mean, who wouldn’t think that with the scene that had just gone down. Christian Forker cuts in on Shane Stubbs and then two seconds after I walk away from him, he’s getting aggressive over me talking to someone else. And then doing shots when he’d been drinking beers all night.

“Sure,” I said to Chase.

It was just a drink, and besides, maybe poking the grizzly bear one more time would get me what I wanted. A declaration.

God, but I wanted that declaration.

Chase put his hand to the small of my back and walked me to the table to the right of the stage that was reserved for the band.

One of the servers, Jordan, brought him a beer. “What’ll you have, Jojo?” she asked.

“Fuzzy navel, Jordan. Thanks, honey.” I sat at the six-seater table, but it was empty. “Where’s the band?” I asked Chase.

“Probably outside smokin’ a dubie in the van,” he said.

“You didn’t need a smoke break between sets?” I asked.

“Nope. Don’t smoke. Bad for the vocal cords.”

“But … last time you invited me out for one?”

“Maybe I just wanted to get you outside,” he said with a mischievous grin.

“Why’d you ask me for a drink, especially seeing who I was dancing with?”

“Got the scoop from someone that you’re not datin’ that guy.”

“Who told you that? I was dancing with him, wasn’t I?”

“The short blonde bombshell with the curls. In fact, she walked right up to me as soon as that song was over and demanded I ask you to have a drink with me immediately. She made it seem like if I didn’t, she’d have me beat up or something. Then she tried to pay me twenty bucks, which I turned down.”

Laughter burst from me.

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