Crossroads (Beautiful Biker MC Romance Series) - DD Prince Page 0,57

bouncers with the absence of most of the usual brotherhood bikers, so it was just a DJ night and had apparently been fairly uneventful.

“It’s okay, really. Worked out for the best. I wound up going home with Jericho.” She smiled and I could tell by her eyes that she was thinking back to that night.

“From the Black Reapers? Nice.” I knew that club well. We were friendly with them. And my brother Spencer had been named after an old Reaper president in the Spencer family who’d dated my mother before he died. Several of the Spencer brothers and other Black Reapers were certainly worth a second look. Leanne typically went for older guys. She was twenty-seven and told me she rarely made an exception and dated a guy less than ten years older than her. Jericho was mid 30’s at most, so a pup based on Lee’s usual preference.

She wiggled her eyebrows. “Yeah. It was a good night after all. But still… I hope that skank comes in here soon and orders food, so I can spit in it.”

I laughed. “Don’t let my dad hear you say that.”

“I wouldn’t really do it. But it’s nice to fantasize. However…” she added pointedly, ”If she asks for light salad dressing, she’s getting full fat.”

I laughed but then my face went sour and I spilled my distaste about Juicy.

“She was upstairs last week, bitching that her target let her blow him off without nothing in return. It seemed like she was after something about our club and it stank to high heaven. Caloric sabotage serves her right if she’s a man-stealing ho bag,” I said.

“I mean, the guy I had my eye on wasn’t gonna be my man for long, but I wanted him to be my man that night.” Leanne had made it really clear that she loved bikers but wasn’t remotely interested in hooking up with the same man night after night. She was a friend to the club, a good employee, a fun chick to shoot the shit with, and I liked her. She didn’t look down on the ones who wanted a committed relationship with a biker, but she said she liked her independence too much to give it up and bikers were bossy alphas that all wanted their women in their shadow (I disagreed with her on that point, because it depended on the actual biker, but that was her opinion) and she liked to be in the light rather than the shade.

‘Only place I’m down to be bossed around is in bed,’ she’d been known to say.

“And yeah, I heard her bitching about striking out with Fork after she blew him,” Leanne said. “Saw her at Dutchie’s for breakfast the day after. Don’t know what she was thinkin’. Everyone knows his story. She shoulda known to expect exactly what she got.” She rolled her eyes and plunked another four rolled napkins into a bucket and moved it aside to get started on the next one.

“His story?”

“Well, I mean, all the sweet butts around here know the score with that one.”

I waited for her to continue, eyes on her (and pins and needles through my shoulders) so she’d know I was waiting for an explanation.

She shrugged. “He’s unemotional. Cold fucker. Doesn’t want a connection with anyone other than skin slappin’ skin. No insight into his life. Don’t ask the man his favorite color. Doesn’t even kiss. Just…fucks or gets blowjobs and moves on. He ain’t a biker man whore all over every single piece of ass around, either. Just heard from a few the score with him. Just occasionally hooks up with somebody to get off and that’s that.” She shrugged. “The only one I know of that he had anything close to ongoing of a thing with is Paige and I don’t think he’s gone near her since he defected to your family’s club because she was passed around the Jackals like a dubie at a rally so she’s not welcome upstairs. I’m surprised he let Juicy in his room since she and Paige are tight. She’s been trying to get him to pay attention for weeks and I guess she finally got five minutes of attention. That man’ll probably be a confirmed bachelor all his life.”

Doesn’t even kiss? Doesn’t even kiss?

My mind flashed with images of him kissing me, devouring my lips with that beautiful mouth of his. That talented mouth of his. He wasn’t cold with me, at least not then. He wasn’t emotionless during Copyright 2016 - 2024