Crossroads (Beautiful Biker MC Romance Series) - DD Prince Page 0,47

Ella said.

“We don’t close until six this Saturday,” Jenna said. “I don’t think I can get out of my last few appointments without seriously pissing off some regulars.”

“No worries. I’ll have help.” I waved. “As long as you show.”

“We’ll be down the minute the salon closes and we’ll help with clean-up on Sunday.”

“I’m yours all day,” Ella said. “Make me your bitch.”

I laughed. “You might regret that.”

She shrugged and picked up her phone. “No way. Anything for Delia. Okay, I gotta fly. Deacon’s on his way home from Sioux Falls and he’s ordering me to be home and naked when he arrives.” She had a lovesick glow. “Been at my parents the past few days and lookin’ forward to going back to him.”

“Ordering you?” I asked with a grimace.

“We haven’t had much alone time this week. I’m totally cool with bossy when I haven’t seen Deacon Junior for almost a week.”

I covered my ears. “La la la.”

Ella looked sheepish at my discomfort. I hoped to one day pay her back for it. I was dying to say, ‘Just you wait!’ The waitress was back with the leather envelope.

Ella tried to snatch the bill up. “My turn.”

“Nope, mine,” Jenna amended and snatched it first.

“You paid last time,” Ella said.

“No; I didn’t.”

“You totally did!”

“I’m paying this time,” Jenna insisted.

“Here.” Pippa handed a card to the waitress. “I’m paying.”

The waitress smiled. “Which one of you tips the best? How ‘bout we let that person pay?”

“I’m not about to turn up a free dinner,” I shrugged. “I might be the only sensible one in this bunch.”

Jenna claimed to tip the best, so Pippa gave an extra big tip to win the argument, and then we all left.


Lawrence Gale hit on me mercilessly and he did it, he said, not because he truly wanted into my pants (he said he had a gorgeous and very pregnant wife), but because it made me glow and made me even prettier for the camera.

“I flirt with every single model and every single one of you are special, you got that?”

I giggled and he snapped a photo then too. I had an absolute blast with the photo shoot. We started outside in a public park and only moved to his studio when I was comfortable. We shot the shit the whole time (in between his flirting) and he made it all very easy.

I’d driven my own Harley there and we used it in the photo shoot. He told me to bring a few sexy articles of clothing, which had me a bit flagged initially, but he assured me I would only pose in ways and outfits that I was comfortable with. He had a makeup and hair person there and we took pictures in my jeans and a crop top, and another racier one in a leather bra and mini skirt as well as a cop hat (he had a box of hats and other props) that he told me was calendar cover-worthy.

“Those curves, those eyes, and that smile? Fuck but you are one photogenic biker babe,” he said, shaking his head. “The fact that you actually are a biker babe who owns her own motorbike? No way you’re not my Miss August.”

“This year?”

“This year.”

I giggled and he snapped my picture again.

Before we got started, I signed a basic model contract (he said it was basic, anyway) and he held back an extra model release with a section highlighted in pink highlighter that said I couldn’t change my mind about the calendar once I signed. We waited on that section until he got a feel for whether or not it was a done deal.

Lawrence couldn’t take a chance being so close to publishing that another Miss August would back out. He told me, before I left, that I was not only Miss August, but that I was under serious consideration for the cover, too, the cover that would sell the calendar. Partly because I was photogenic, he said, but also because I was an actual biker babe, not just a babe that hung around bikers. Driving my own motorcycle and being family to a local MC would also help sell the calendar.

“What’s your preferred charity to pitch on your byline?” he asked. “We divide our charitable proceeds among the charities listed by our models. You want me to pick one or do you want to name one? It must be local, though.”

“Oh. That’s easy. Biker Big Bros, the charity my dad’s club started in memory of a fallen member.”

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