Crossroads (Beautiful Biker MC Romance Series) - DD Prince Page 0,46

if you’re game? Need to shoot in the next few days, though, if you are interested, because we’re sending flyers out to pitch for ad space. Got three or four girls lined up and whoever doesn’t make it for this year will be in next year’s calendar if it all works out.”

He handed off a business card.

“Cool,” I said. “I’ll have a look.”

He said goodbye and left.

“No, no, no.” Ella shook her head. “Your family would kill you.”

I smiled. I smiled as big as the Cheshire cat.

“I’ve seen that calendar, Jojo. My dad puts one up in his man cave every year. You can’t.”

“Don’t you have an appointment?” I asked.

“Tell me you’re not considering it.”

“I’m not considering it, Ella.”

She let out a breath of relief as she threw her purse over her shoulder. I followed her out.

I wasn’t considering it.

I was definitely doing it.


The Next Day

Dinner with my brothers’ girls the night before was awesome. They mothered me over the fire incident, just enough. They listened about the whole Melanie situation avidly and all agreed that I did the right thing by that baby boy.

Jenna already knew about it because Rider had gone mental over it and smartly let her know promptly about Melanie showing up at the clubhouse looking for him. It said a lot about Jenna that she let Rider go to The Roadhouse to meet Melanie without insisting on coming along.

“She’s clearly pretty secure in her relationship,” Pippa said. “I mean, I am too but not sure I could stop myself from tagging along and giving her evil eyes the whole time she tried to talk to my man.”

Jenna shrugged while sipping her drink. “I think it said a lot to Rider, too, that I trusted him. I think I surprised him. Seriously, though, mostly I was in the middle of bingeing a show on Netflix and why should I put pants on to go stare at some lying skank?”

We all laughed at that. She had a point.

“And before he left, I flashed him my boobs and told him to hurry home.”

We laughed louder.

Ella winced. “Not sure I’d give the time of day to some biker bunny who doesn’t know which guy was in her front versus who was in her back.”

Jenna’s hand went up. “Do not remind me. I don’t need any reminders he got butt stuff from somebody. It might make me wanna let him have it from me and … no. Exit only.”

“You won’t do bum stuff?” I asked.

Jenna made a face. “Not without a ring on my finger. He tried to use a Ring Pop to negotiate with, but I need an actual diamond for that. A big one.”

We all laughed.

“What’s it like?” I asked on a whisper, eyes bouncing between Ella and Pippa. “Anal.”

Ella shrugged. “It’s good, if the guy is careful. Lots of lube and slow. It can be real good.”

“Mm hm,” Pippa went into a daze.

I gave my head a shake. “Gaw, I need to talk about this stuff with girls who aren’t fucking my brothers.”

“No you don’t. Just pretend we’re talking about faceless men,” Jenna said. “As for bum sex, I say skip it. Exit only. Get a big rock? Give it once to show your appreciation and then close up shop again.”

“One day, you’ll eat those words, trust us,” Pippa said. “You’ll cave to his demands and you’ll suddenly be all for the butt stuff.”

Jenna screwed up her face and signaled the waitress to bring the check.

“Naw. Let’s change the topic. I have to remind myself not to talk sex with you three. Or Andie, who doesn’t screw anyone. Deanna’s a good resource. She knows her stuff. She sells sex toys. I bought a magic bullet from her and it is dreamy. Lulu, actually, also a good resource. She likes gettin’ her some on the regular.”

Lulu didn’t want a boyfriend, she liked trying different guys on for size. She was quite the wild child. And I loved her. I’d quickly amassed a great girl posse so far since relocating to Aberdeen and knew I’d make more friends when I went back to school in a few months. But, between my brothers’ girls and their closest friends, really I was already more blessed in the friends department than most people and I did not take it for granted.

“So, don’t forget, girlies. Saturday: mother charter clubhouse party for Delia’s surprise fiftieth birthday party. Woo hoo,” I said. “Can you guys come a bit early and help with setup?”

“Count me in,” Copyright 2016 - 2024