Counting On Cole (Wilde Ways #8) - Cynthia Eden Page 0,79

move!” Chase yelled. “I got deliveries to make!”

“Just gonna have to wait, asshole,” the fellow fired back. He kept his face partially averted. Like that was going to help. Too late. Chase had already recognized the guy.

“Got quite the bruise on your jaw,” Chase announced. “Want to tell me how that happened, Tommy?”

The man’s head snapped toward him as soon as Chase used that magic word…Tommy.

Seriously? Did you think Cole hadn’t told the rest of the team about you?

“Oh, wait.” Chase tapped his chin. “I know how you got the bruise. My buddy Cole kicked your ass.”

Tommy let out a roar and barreled toward Chase. He bent his body low and slammed his shoulder into Chase’s stomach, sending Chase hurtling back against the side of the flower delivery van.


She’d lost sight of the delivery van. Evie hadn’t seen it for at least twenty minutes. She’d left the city, left the bright lights and buzz of activity, and with each mile that passed, the buildings showed more wear and tear.

Fewer people.

More decay.

“Turn right, then you’ll head toward the old warehouse that’s up ahead. The shipping doors are open. Drive through them. Park your car. Get the money and climb up the stairs.”

“And you’ll have Harrison waiting for me?”


The call ended. Again. The jackass liked hanging up on her.

“You’re an asshole,” Evie said angrily, deliberately raising her voice. “I know there’s a camera in this car. I know you’ve been watching me the whole time.” She was almost screaming. Again, deliberate. She wanted him to hear her. “So I’ll drive into your stupid building. I’ll park the car. I’ll take the money and I’ll climb up the stairs. But you’d better give me my brother. I’ve done everything like you wanted. Everything. You can see no one else is in this car with me. I came alone. Now give me my brother!”

She spun the car to the right. The huge shipping doors on the old warehouse were wide open. She drove forward. Slammed on the brakes once she was inside. Her breath heaved in and out. Then her hand flew over and grabbed the duffel bag. She jumped from the car. Shut the door. With quick steps, Evie headed for the old stairs. And as she climbed them, she saw the man waiting at the top. The man holding the gun.

Her steps faltered for a moment, but then he waved her forward.

As she drew closer, her gaze locked on his face. Lights were on in the warehouse, old, flickering lights overhead. “I…know you.”

She’d seen him before. He was standing in front of a door on the second floor, and the first time she’d seen him, he’d been standing in front of another door then, too. Guarding it. Guarding my brother’s place. “You work for Harrison.” She struggled to remember his name. She knew Tommy. He’d been the one that Cole had fought, but this guy—he hadn’t said a word. He’d been silent. Like a statue.

As she neared him, he laughed. “Don’t really work for your brother.”


“Gonna have to pat you down. Gonna need to make sure you didn’t try to bring a weapon.”

“W-would I do that?” The stutter wasn’t faked. She was freaking terrified. “I just want Harrison.”

His pat down was fast and hard. He grunted. “Glad you’re not stupid.”

She stared straight at him. I can’t say the same for you.

“Boss is waiting. Go inside. I’m gonna get rid of your ride.”

But…but if he got rid of it, how was she supposed to get out of there?

As she stared into his cold eyes, she knew…

I’m not. The plan isn’t for Harrison or for me to leave.

Not going with Plan A.

Not going with Plan B.

That left…Plan C?

They really should have talked more about Plan C.

Plan C…time for Cole.


Every muscle in Cole’s body was locked tight with tension. He was also fucking cramped as hell.

Plan C is a pain in my ass.

Darkness surrounded him. Thick and suffocating. His body was curled in on itself, and when he tried to stretch, he hit the metal above him.

He could hear Evie’s words, seeming to echo in his mind.

“I know there’s a camera in this car. I know you’ve been watching me the whole time. So I’ll drive into your stupid building. I’ll park the car. I’ll take the money and I’ll climb up the stairs. But you’d better give me my brother. I’ve done everything like you wanted. Everything. You can see no one else is in this car with me. I came alone. Now give Copyright 2016 - 2024