Counting On Cole (Wilde Ways #8) - Cynthia Eden Page 0,78

robotic voice ordered. “There’s been a change of plans…”

“I want to talk to Harrison.”

“You already did that. Now turn left or I might just start shooting. I figure I could start with his leg and work my way up from there.”

She cursed.

And turned left.


“Oh, hell.” Chase clenched his fingers around the steering wheel as he hunched in the flower delivery truck. Evie wasn’t going the right way.

And before she’d turned left, he’d clearly seen her bend down and pick up what had looked like a phone from beneath the passenger seat. His comm was on—all of the agents were using the Wilde tech to communicate on this mission—and he knew the other agents could hear him as he asked, “Was Evie’s car searched before she got in?”

Harvey replied, “Yesterday, two guys did a full check to make sure there were no explosive devices or anything that might be dangerous in there.”

“Yesterday? Shit, we should have checked again.”

“The car didn’t leave the garage and agents were watching the building the whole time.”

Someone missed this. “A phone was put in her ride.” He turned left and followed her. Not too fast, though, because Chase didn’t want to look suspicious. “The meeting location has changed.” That was gonna be a pain in all of their asses because the majority of the team was already planning for a raid at the coordinates they’d originally been given. “I’m keeping eyes on her, but my van can’t follow her the whole way. I’ll need to switch out with someone—”

“I’ll be there,” James assured him through the comm link. “You just keep giving me directions as you go. You and I can switch out. Hopefully with our two different vehicles, we’ll keep anyone from noticing the tail.”

She turned right.

So did he.

Chase could see that Evie still had the phone clutched in her hand. She had it lifted up—deliberately, he was sure—so that it was near her head and in plain view for him.

He followed her in silence for a few moments, but his gaze kept darting to the speedometer. Was the woman speeding up? She was. Shit. He shoved down the gas. “Cole isn’t going to like this,” Chase said as he glared at the car ahead him.

“No.” Cole’s voice came through, very low and very, very angry. “He’s not.”


“Stop the car, Evie.”

“But I’m in the middle of the road. There are other vehicles—”

“Stop the car. Open the door. And drop your cell phone onto the street. You don’t need it, not after I’ve kindly given you a new phone.”

She looked back. Saw the flower delivery van. Not too close. Not close enough to hit her.

“Do it now or I will shoot your brother.”

She slammed on her brakes. Opened the door. Dropped her phone.


He is watching me. Or…he had someone else watching her and reporting her movements to him. Because he couldn’t be physically watching her and holding a gun on her brother, could he? No, that didn’t make sense.

Unless…her gaze whipped around the interior of her car. If someone had put a phone in her car, maybe other things were in there, too. Like a small camera.

“Start driving. Head straight. I’ll call you back when you need to turn again.”


“Why do you keep glancing back at that van?”

Oh, shit. There is a camera in here. He’s watching the interior of the car.

“Don’t worry. We’ll take care of him. Keep driving.”

He hung up.


A freaking garbage truck cut off Chase. Just pulled right out in front of him.

Hell, no.

He slammed on the brakes. Barely avoided a collision. “Fuck!”

“What’s happening?” James barked from the shared connection.

“Freaking garbage truck just cut me off from Evie—”

“Yeah, well, go the hell around and—”

Chase’s eyes narrowed on one of the men who’d just jumped from the side of the truck. The guy lifted up his hand, indicating that Chase was supposed to freeze. There was something about that fellow—

I’ve seen his picture. He was one of Harrison’s missing bodyguards. What had been the guy’s name? Tyler? Tony?

“Are you listening to me?” James demanded.

No, he’d gotten lost for a minute. Chase rattled off his location. “You close, man? You got her?”

“What is happening?”

“One of Harrison’s bodyguards is moonlighting as a garbage truck driver. And he’s coming my way.”

“You need backup?” This question came from Harvey. He’d been listening the whole time.

Chase smiled. “No, I got the bastard. Just tell me real quick. The guard that Cole slugged. Was his name Tony?”

“Tommy,” Cole growled.

“Gotcha. Thanks.” Chase shoved open his door. Jumped out. “You need to Copyright 2016 - 2024