To Conquer a Scot - Tamara Gill Page 0,49

to throw it from. When he did cast it out in front of him, it was a long way off the distance Aedan had reached.

“Your brother seems to be winning this event.” Abby looked at the men to follow the last competitor. All were brawny, muscular types, but they lacked Aedan’s height, his large broad shoulders, and strong thighs. Or maybe she was biased now… Either way, Aedan would surely win.

“Yes, and so he’ll have to steal a kiss from a willing lady.”

Abby frowned, having forgotten what the prize was. Excitement thrummed in her veins that Aedan might touch her again. That she’d get to feel those soft, sinfully addictive lips once more. Last night seemed so many hours ago. “What if the lady doesn’t wish to kiss the winner?”

“She’ll either give him her hand or cheek and it’ll be over.” Gwen grinned. “We’ll have to wait and see.”

The remainder of the competitors finished their throws. Black Ben came to sit with them as Aedan was announced the winner.

“Now we’ll see who Aedan has taken a liking to,” Ben said, smiling at Abby, which made her wonder if he knew of their hook-up.

Abby nodded, feeling a little queasy that the time had come for him to choose. And what if it wasn’t her? “Who do you think he’ll pick?” She couldn’t help but ask, and even though she knew she shouldn’t care, she did. Aedan kissing anyone but her left an awful simmering anger in the pit of her gut. She pushed away the thought that she was jealous. She was definitely not that. They had agreed their liaison was to be of a short duration due to her going home. No emotions. Just sex.

“I’m not sure. I’ve seen ye two whispering in dark corners a lot, maybe it’ll be you.” Gwen grinned and looked back toward the field. Abby didn’t think it would be her, even though a little part of her hoped it was. Clansmen slapped his shoulder, others yelling and lifting goblets of mead in celebration that the day’s events were over.

Aedan walked toward where they sat, an array of clan members looking on with interest. He looked over the crowd and her stomach fluttered. But instead of coming to her, he bowed before Aline. The young woman stood, staring up at him with awe, and Abby went from hope to devastation in an instant. Watching what was about to take place was like a slow motion horror film. She was a deer before headlights, mesmerized by the sight of something that could kill her…figuratively speaking.

He leaned down and kissed her quickly on the cheek, but true to her character, Aline wasn’t content with such mediocre affection. She jumped into his embrace, hands wrapping about his neck, and took the kiss to a whole new level.

The clansmen shouted out, making bawdy remarks and Abby stood, having seen enough. “It’s been a long day, Gwen. I’m going to head up to my room before dinner.” Out of her peripheral vision she could see the kiss had ended and Aedan was walking Aline toward her father.

“Are ye alright? You’re not feeling ill, I hope.”

“No.” She shook her head. “I’m fine. Just tired, I think. I’ll see you in the hall later.”

Abby threaded her way through the crowd and made her way up to the castle as quickly as she could. She blamed the lump in her throat on a forthcoming cold. It certainly wasn’t from seeing the man who’d left her bed only hours before, kissing another woman.

Well, he wouldn’t be sharing her bed again, that’s for sure.

“So, is ye plan working then, lass?”

Ben watched with amusement as Gwen turned toward him and smiled smugly. “I do believe Abigail Cross is as jealous and green as the grass. Did ye see the devastation on her face the moment Aedan kissed Aline? My plan is working out perfectly.”

Ben chuckled, shaking his head. “So the lass has agreed to stay?”

Gwen squirmed on her seat, a slight blush on her face. “No, I haven’t had that assurance from her as yet, but I shall. Why, she’s half in love with my brother already.”

Ben watched Abigail storm back toward the castle, a proud tilt to her chin. “If Aedan keeps kissing other lasses like that, I doubt you’ll see any wedding other than Aline’s take place. She’s a minx.”

Gwen sighed. “Aline is definitely a problem. She needs a husband but has, for whatever reason, fixated on Aedan. If only she had someone else Copyright 2016 - 2024