To Conquer a Scot - Tamara Gill Page 0,50

to occupy her time.”

A cold chill swept up Ben’s spine. The heat of Gwen’s gaze burned up the side of his neck, and he refused to meet her gaze. “Perhaps,” is all he managed as a reply.

She clasped his arm. “Look at me, Ben.”

He fought the pull of her beautiful features as long as he could, before, like when they were kids, he was unable to deny her anything. “No.”

She smiled, laughing up at him. “Please, dearest. You’re perfect for the position. Just think of all the fun ye could have.”

“No.” He clenched his jaw, refusing to do her bidding. Seduce a maiden. By God, he was a man, but not an idiot. “I won’t do it.”

“Just kiss her, then. Ravish her to the point that she’ll forget about my brother.”

“My ravishing didn’t make you forget Braxton.” The moment the words were torn from his mouth he wished them back. She paled and pulled back. Damn it. “Forgive me, Gwen. I dinna mean…” his words trailed off when nothing witty or defusing came to mind.

“We would not suit, Ben, whereas Braxton and I have an understanding.”

He nodded, clenching his jaw at the thought of Gwen marrying a man so worthy of her it made his temper fire. If only Braxton was corrupt in some way, abusive, anything that would give reason to kiss her again and steal her away from him. But he was not. He was as good as men got.

“Just kiss her, ye say?” Her eyes lit up with joy, and he knew he’d never be able to deny her anything. “Nothing else?”

“Nay, nothing. Just show her what it is that beckons her to others. Show her that Aedan isn’t all there is to sample and enjoy.”

Ben cursed, but nodded. “Aye, I will. Mayhap my kisses will affect her more than you. She could be my grand match.”

Gwen laughed, kissing his cheek quickly, leaving a trail of heat that shot to his chest. “I wish you all the best. Thank you, my friend. I’m forever in your debt.”

He stood, needing some distance from her. “No, you’re not. I’ll do this out of friendship.” And love…

Later that night, Abby paced her room, counting down the minutes until she headed downstairs. Her stomach rumbled, reminding her, yet again, she was starving. She hadn’t eaten much at lunch, and then seeing Aedan kiss someone else had turned her off food altogether, but now…now she was pissed.

How dare he?

A knock sounded on her door, and she opened it to find Gwen standing there. “Are ye ready?”

“Yes.” They walked down to the great hall in relative silence, and Abby wondered where Aedan’s new favorite lass, Aline, would be seated, probably on his lap, knowing the forward little chit. Although, after what she’d done with him the night before, she hardly had the right to call Aline forward.

If anything, Abby had been the one who’d crossed the line. She should never have slept with him. He was a product of his time and she should’ve remembered that, before getting involved. A man who took pleasure when and where he could, before moving on without a backward glance.

She stopped mid-step and Gwen halted a little way ahead, looking back at her with concern. “Are ye alright, Abigail?”

Abby nodded, but she wasn’t all right. She was jealous. Not bunny-boiling-mad-jealous like Glen Close in Fatal Attraction, but still jealous of anyone who dared get close enough to Aedan and kiss him.

The emotion wasn’t welcome. For crying out loud, she was a modern, twenty-first century woman. A future museum curator, a smart, educated woman and damn it, she couldn’t allow herself to develop feelings for this man. Perhaps, if she’d been more liberated with her sexual exploits and had indulged in a few one-night stands, this complicated situation with the laird might be more simple.

But the truth of the matter was she’d always been in relationships with the men she slept with. As modern as she was, sex wasn’t just sex for her. It meant something. Even if that something was minimal. But in Aedan’s case, it didn’t seem like his emotions were engaged at all.


Rallying herself, they continued on into the bustling hall, some clansmen already well on their way to being blind drunk. Normally, the sight would make her laugh. After all, she wasn’t a prude, it was good to let your hair down every now and then, but tonight wasn’t one of those nights.

Tonight, she was annoyed with Aedan and herself. Everything people did aggravated Copyright 2016 - 2024