To Conquer a Scot - Tamara Gill Page 0,18

smiled, enjoying his discomfort over her questioning. But he was such a by-the-rules, no-nonsense kind of man who really ought to stop worrying so much.

He frowned. “I do not need to instruct ye on the ways of a maiden. You’re a woman, you should know such things.”

“I’m not a simpering miss and even though I promised to behave myself, I’ll not act like a woman without a brain.” At his confusion she added, “I’m not a maiden and haven’t been for a few years, so I won’t act virginal, even if you demand it of me. Do you understand what I’m saying? I’m not going to beg for the attentions of all the Highlanders with skirts—”

“They’re kilts.”

“Whatever. You have another think coming.” She sat back and crossed her arms over her chest. His gaze honed in on that spot and she realized the action made her breasts look ready to bust out of her dress. She folded them onto her lap.

“Are ye telling me you’re not a virgin?”

He looked shocked and not a little repulsed. She smiled. “I’m twenty-two. You do the math.”

He sat back, and she wasn’t sure what he was thinking. He was a man who didn’t give a lot away, and for his role as laird, that was probably a handy trait. She changed tactics. “Are you a virgin, Aedan MacLeod?”

At her question, a flicker of a smile touched his lips. The action made her pause. Over the last few days she’d become used to his scowl, especially around her, but that small smile left her wondering what he’d look like laughing, happy, carefree. His deep green orbs, aristocratic jaw, and perfect nose told her he’d look pretty darn good. She swallowed.

“I am not.”

“Well then,” she said. “Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, perhaps you ought to continue on with what’s important to keep your family safe from the charge of witchcraft.”

He nodded and seemed to shake himself from his thoughts. “Of course. We also need to discuss your role as a member of our clan. Even though we know you’re no lady, you still need to act like one.”

Abigail choked over her words. “What the hell do you mean by that?” She stood and leaned over his desk. “If I’m not mistaken, you’re no gentleman, either. No doubt you’ve pleasured many female servants in many a location, so unless you don’t want to continue tupping as a pleasurable pastime, I’d watch what comes out of your mouth, before your man bits are shoved down your throat.”

He stood and towered over her. She lost some of her nerve, as he made her feel like a dwarf. Bloody tall Scotsman.

“You do not speak like a woman of class.”

His tone fired her blood to boiling. “I think you’re forgetting I didn’t choose to be here. I may have Scottish ancestry, but I’m certainly not what you would term a Scot. Nor am I a lady of a castle. I apologize if I’ve made a mess of your perfect life, but you need to take that problem up with your sister.” Abby paused, taking a deep breath to calm her temper. “I won’t cause any problems, as long as you get me home as soon as you can.”

He slumped back in his chair and rubbed his jaw. “If you can promise me you’ll act the lady, cause no offense to the clansmen coming to stay, and try to look like you’re enjoying my home and hospitality, I’ll apologize for my unkindness.”

“As to that, you’ll apologize now.” His jaw flexed, and she knew he didn’t like being told what to do by a woman.

“I’m sorry,” he said through clenched teeth.

She smiled. “Apology accepted,” she said, sitting back down.

Aedan took a calming breath. The woman was a hoyden and going to be the end of him, literally, if she didn’t start to cooperate. What his sister had been thinking bringing the lass here was beyond him.

Abigail Cross was trouble if ever he knew it.

“There are numerous clans coming for the games. Each clan’s laird and close family members will be housed in the castle for the duration of their stay. We will have shelter erected for their clansmen near the fields where the games will be taking place. I’ll leave the ladies of these great houses in Gwen and your capable hands.”

“Won’t the games themselves be entertainment enough?” she asked.

“Must you fight me on everything I say? Why can you not entertain some women?” He ran a hand through Copyright 2016 - 2024