To Conquer a Scot - Tamara Gill Page 0,19

his hair and wondered what it was exactly his sister had seen in the lass that would suit him.

Aye, she was bonny, there was no doubt about that, with her rich dark strands of hair that fell about her shoulders. Her eyes were the same color, giving her an earthy appeal. Her skin was flawless, not a freckle graced her nose or cheeks, unlike so many of the Scottish lasses. Her figure wasn’t anything to dismiss, either. The strange trews she’d arrived in, tight-fitting across her ass, had made him want to run a hand across her soft flesh and squeeze.

He shifted on his chair and frowned. The sooner he procured a wife, the better. It had been too long between lasses as it was. He should probably find a willing miss…

Abigail’s words about bedding wenches in different locations turned his gut in pleasurable guilt. Not that he’d ever admit it to her, but yes, he’d indeed slept with some, and no doubt would again. As a man, he was permitted such activities. It was the way of the times. She’d soon be gone and his life would return to normal.

“Fine. I’ll do everything you ask, but on one condition.”

“And that is?” Her jaw jutted out, and he noted her lips. Supple, nicely shaped, a lovely shade of—

“That you return to me my phone and promise me that the moment your sister is able to do so, that I’m returned home.”

He nodded, meeting her eyes. “We’ve already agreed on this, and you have my word. As for the strange device you came with, I think it is best that I keep that until you depart. To be found with something so odd would only bring forth questions neither of us wish to answer.”

“I will keep it hidden, I promise, but please return it to me. It was fully charged when I left, and if you’re interested I could show you a little of my time, give you a glimpse of my life. Please, give it to me.”

Aedan didn’t wish to hand it over. Hell, never had he seen anything as odd as the metal object that she’d arrived with, and it was a dangerous move to allow her to keep it. But, mayhap, if he did give way on this one rule, she would stop being so prickly toward all that he asked of her. “Very well, I will give ye the object, but be mindful, I will take it back, break it into a million pieces, if I see it out around my people. Do ye understand me, lass?”

She held out her hand, nodding. “I understand perfectly.”

Aedan stood, gesturing toward the door. “I will bring it to your room later today.”

“You can’t give it to me now?”

“’Tis hidden, and I do not wish for ye to know where. So, as I stated, I shall bring it to your room, later.”

She stood and walked toward the door. “Fine, but I’ll be waiting, just so you know.”

He stopped himself from smiling at her audacity. “I’m assuming by the fact you’re about to walk out the door that this conversation is over?”

She looked confused and then laughed. He didn’t want to admit what that carefree, larger-than-life laugh did inside his chest.

“Yes. Unless there is something else you wish to discuss?”

“No, there is not. You may go.”

She waved over her head and was gone. He walked over to the window, looked down on the castle courtyard, and watched as their head cook, Mrs. Turner, dug in the garden for herbs and vegetables for the evening meal. He wasn’t fond of Abigail Cross, and the sooner his sister could send her back to her home and rightful time, the better. She wasn’t like the women he knew. Too opinionated and strong willed. She was a woman who could get herself into all sorts of trouble.

Trouble that he would have to settle. Hopefully, not with a sword.

Chapter 7

Abigail couldn’t do it. She adjusted the bow and tried to find a more comfortable way of shooting the arrow. There wasn’t one. Her arm didn’t seem strong enough to pull back the tight string.

“It isn’t working.” She held it at her side and looked to Gwen who stood beside her, giving her instruction.

“We may have to help build up your arm muscle, but this is a woman’s bow. I’m sure you must be holding it wrong. Here let me show ye again.”

She sighed and again watched Gwen lift her own bow and demonstrate how to use it. Copyright 2016 - 2024