The Complete Quake Series Boxset - Jacob Chance Page 0,225

you again.” I press my lips to hers once more. “How did you find me?”

“I tracked you down. It wasn’t easy, but I’m not one to shy away from a challenge.” She smirks. “I hacked into your previous job’s database and found your information.” My hands slide down to wrap around her waist. “But that didn’t do me any good because there was no sign of you anywhere. Whoever wiped you out of the system did a good job. Since I couldn’t follow the money trail between your accounts, I finally hacked into Logan Airport’s database and found all the flight information for the dates after you left. That was the easy part.” Her hands leave my hair and move to my chest. “After that, I had to use some of my social engineering skills to get here. It took me a while because I had to consider each of the locations I got from hacking into the airport’s database.” She pats my chest with both her palms. “Before I could come, I had to erase our tracks so no one will ever find us. When I got to the cafe and heard about this store, I knew I had found you.”

“How did you know where I’d be?”

“You told me.” She playfully points at me.

I tip my head to the side. “Do you pay attention to everything you’re told?” I question.

She taps the end of my nose with her index finger. “Only when it’s you doing the telling.”



“Hey, babe,” Lana yells as she enters our house - the house we just moved into - the house I built with my own two hands.

I meet her in the entryway. “I missed you,” I say as my lips seek hers out. I miss her when she’s at work all day. I’ve told her a million times, she doesn’t need to work, but she insists on it. She loves her job as a computer science teacher at the local high school.

When Lana moved here to be with me, she gave up everything familiar to her. She cut ties with everyone she was friends with to protect me. Even her family doesn’t know where she really lives. She went back to Seattle a few months ago, for a visit. I was worried she’d have a change of heart and not return to Rangiroa. Not only did she return, she showed me how much she missed me.

I never imagined I’d love someone as much as I love Lana or someone would love me as much in return.

I’ve shared all the sordid details of my past with her. She knows everything there is to know about me. The good, the bad and the ugly. There was a lot of ugly to tell her about.

I’m even seeing a counselor each week to help me heal all the hurts of my abusive childhood and to understand why I felt the need to cause others so much pain. I carry a lot of guilt with me for the horrible things I’ve done.

My life with Lana has been a new beginning for me and each day I strive to be the best person I can. She loves me and that gives me hope I’m not a lost cause. Somehow, she was able to forgive me for my mistakes and there isn’t a day that goes by I’m not grateful. She’s the moral compass keeping me moving in the right direction.

Now, there are no more secrets between us.

Loved Zack and Lana?

Read on for the extended epilogue

Extended Epilogie


Six Years Later

Peering out the open kitchen window, I slip my fingers between my lips and let loose a piercing whistle. Turning around, I lean back against the granite counter, waiting. Seconds later, like clockwork, the back screen door creaks open before slamming shut.

Two sets of sneakers pound against the hardwood floor, moving closer at an accelerated pace. Laughter echoes toward me, and my lips part in a smile just before my two curly headed five year old sons come to a skidding half inside the kitchen doorway.

“How did we do?” Zavier, the oldest twin, asks. He has a habit of taking the lead in most situations over his brother. And Zaine is more than happy to let him do so.

I glance at my watch. “Fourteen seconds. Not bad. You shaved one second off yesterday’s time.” I hold my hand up, and they take turns high fiving me. This is a new game we’ve been playing. Both boys want to be “superheroes” fast.

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