Come Hot (Club Silken #2) - Jerrie Alexander Page 0,13

what that was about?”

“You got me.”

“It gives you a few minutes to tell me what happened between you two last night. Just looking at you, I’m guessing you got laid.”

“I did not.” I could tell by her expression she didn’t believe me. “We went to Gloss and danced our asses off. The music was amazing.”


“And nothing.”

“Not even a good night kiss?”

“Not even.”

“Oh my God. He likes you.”

A sizzle of heat rushes through my chest. “Maybe. I don’t know.” The elevator stops, leaving me to hope she’d drop the subject. We exit and walk down the hallway.

“Kayla,” she says using her bossy voice. “He’s into that BDSM stuff. Morgan is always saying she hopes he finds a woman who will fit in his lifestyle.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. He couldn’t have been nicer.”

“You heard Morgan talk about what goes on between her and Zack. Just take care.”

“Somebody giving you trouble?” Nick’s voice has dropped an octave. He could be scary as hell if he wanted.

“No.” I whirl to face him only to discover he has two men in tan uniforms with him. I quickly read the name over their pockets. “Hello, Thomas and Alex from Bianco Secure Climate-Controlled Storage. I’m sorry you were commandeered to help me move.”

Both men shake my hand and Nick formally introduces them to me and Chels. “I asked for volunteers and they were the first to step up.”

“I certainly appreciate you both. Let’s start with the bedroom furniture. It has to go upstairs.”

They follow me inside and I show them my things. Nick removes the plastic from the first items to go. Thomas removes the drawers from my dresser and places them on the floor.

I reached for one. “I’ll carry that.”

Nick put his hand on my shoulder. He squeezes and releases me. “How’s this for a plan? You and Chels show us exactly what belongs to you and we’ll bring it up.”

“I can help.”

“You’ll be helping if you’re in the apartment to tell us where everything goes. Then we won’t arrange furniture and then have to move things.”

I think he’s outsmarted me, and I want to hug him for taking over. Luckily Chels ends that thought by agreeing with him.

The next couple of hours fly by with three men coming and going as if nothing they’re carrying is heavy. I can’t help but notice Nick’s muscles ripple underneath his gray T-shirt. The material strains to hold them inside. Lord, his jeans have slid just a tad lower on his hips. He’s never looked sexier.

“That’s perfect.” I back up and survey my living room. My apartment put back together sends a feeling of belonging and contentment over me. I’m surrounded by my things even if some items are still in boxes.

“Then we’ll get out of your way.”

“Chels,” I call out. “I’m walking the guys to the elevator.”

I thank Nick’s workers profusely and escort them down the hall, but when the doors swish closed, he’s still standing next to me.

“Are you sure you’re through with me?” His scent surrounds me. A hint of his cologne lingers and mixes with dust, sweat, and man.

I rise on my tiptoes and kiss his cheek, right above his scruff. “Thank you.”

“Damn, I wasn’t expecting a reward.” He leans down and softly touches my lips with his. My heart skips a beat when he lifts his head. His gaze is intense, full of desire, and it shoots heat straight to my belly. His hand cups the back of my head right before his mouth crashes into mine. The kiss is hard and demanding yet gentle as his tongue teases mine, stroking sensuously. He owns me, takes charge of me, and, for some reason, I’m okay with it.

Nick’s hands grip my waist and my feet leave the floor. I grasp his biceps and hang on because we’re moving back down the hall. Then I’m wedged between him and the wall. His body is strong and warm, and I feel his hard on pressing against my stomach. All reasoning leaves me, and I melt into him. My nipples harden, aching for his attention.

His hand circles my waist, and he lifts me while sliding his leg between my thighs. I moan when he moves, creating friction on my clit. “Oh, God,” I mutter against his lips. I’m getting wetter by the second. I can’t resist rocking back and forth.

His lips pull away and move to my ear. “Ride me. Let me give you what you need.”

A whine slips from me as I squirm against Copyright 2016 - 2024