The Colonel's Spinster - Audrey Harrison Page 0,39

you, sir, and thank you for your hospitality,” Mr. Huxley said quickly.

“We always like receiving visitors, don’t we, my sweet?” he asked Prudence, not waiting for a reply. “Now sit yourself down and tuck in. You will need a good breakfast in you if you are to spend the day with me.”

Mr. Huxley took a seat at the dining table, smaller now the temporary leaves had been removed. He looked uncomfortable being in the dining room with the family, but Prudence offered him food so that his plate was soon overflowing with eggs, bread, steak and ham.

“I am to spend the day with you, sir?” he asked.

“Yes. Prudence says you have been cast off without a reference?”

“Yes, sir.” Mr. Huxley’s cheeks burned. He might be above thirty years in age, but to be dismissed in such a way had reduced him to feeling like a naughty schoolboy.

“We can get over that easy enough. Prudence here has told me a little about the size of the house you worked for. It must have taken a lot of hard work.”

“I was busy. Lady Catherine likes things to be just so.”

“Aye. It would be called fussy around here, but each to their own,” Mr. Bamber said. “We need to sort out what’s to be done with you now. I am happy to give you a reference, but I want to know how you work, first of all. If you have no objections, you will be working with me in the mill for a little while.”

“Really?” Mr. Huxley asked. His fork had clattered to his plate, and he looked mortified at his gauche behaviour.

“I will pay you. Don’t you worry. But you will be worked hard, so prepare yourself,” Mr. Bamber warned good-naturedly.

“You do not need to pay me, sir. You are very kind. My needs are very small, but I ― er ― it’s a little embarrassing, but if I could ask for just enough to secure some board somewhere,” Mr. Huxley stammered.

“Why on earth would you need to board elsewhere when there are bedchambers a-plenty here?” Mr. Bamber asked.

“I do not wish to impose.”

“Nonsense. You are here as our guest. Don’t let me hear anymore silliness.”

“No sir. Thank you, sir.”

“And I will pay you for a hard day’s work. Do not think you won’t earn every penny, for I am likely as much a termagant as that aunt of our Prudence’s is.”

“You will soon realise that my father speaks his mind, just as much as Lady Catherine does, but with a little less maliciousness,” Prudence said with a shake of her head at her father.

Mr. Huxley smiled at the pair. “In fear of sounding like a bumbling fool, thank you once again. I am extremely obliged.”

“Oh, you will work hard. Do not be lulled into a false sense of security. I didn’t get to own two mills by being a man who likes to take things easy.”

“Now do not go frightening him, Papa!” Prudence laughed. “I will write to Anne today and tell her you have arrived safe and sound and are here to stay.”

“Thank you, Miss. I do not want Miss Anne worrying. She can become ill so suddenly.”

“She is stronger than she looks. Now, I must send my letter before I go out on morning calls. It is strange. I feel as if my time at Rosings is a distant memory.”

“It wasn’t the same after you left, Miss,” Mr. Huxley said. “You took all the cheerfulness away with you. Mr. Darcy left for his home the morning after you departed, and Colonel Fitzwilliam soon returned to London. Miss Anne was in the doldrums, which was part of the reason I asked her to continue the morning rides out. I thought it would lift her spirits.”

“I am glad you did. She needs to continue to build her strength. I only hope with both of us gone, she finds a way to ride out.”

“I’m not sure Lady Catherine will ever let her leave her side again, Miss.”

“No. Nor I,” Prudence admitted sadly.


When the three gathered for their evening meal, it was as if the Bambers had a different guest staying with them. Mr. Huxley no longer seemed afraid of saying the wrong things but was full of what he had seen during the day.

“I never thought the mills were so big!” he exclaimed to Prudence. “They are bigger than any other building I’ve ever seen.”

“Do not let Lady Catherine hear that. She will immediately order an extension of Rosings.” Prudence smiled.

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