The Colonel's Spinster - Audrey Harrison Page 0,38

both enjoyed it, and one day ― I ― well, I was a little foolish. I let my feelings get the better of me,” Mr. Huxley admitted with a flush.

“Oh, dear,” Prudence said. Her hands had become a little sweaty as she anticipated what was to come.

“Yes. Exactly,” Mr. Huxley said with a grimace. “It was reported to Lady Catherine that I had been seen kissing Miss Anne’s hand.”

“With Anne’s permission?”

“She didn’t expect it but said she was glad I had done it,” he said with a wistful smile. “We didn’t know that we had been seen. Not until we returned to the house.”

“Lady Catherine was not happy, I presume?”

“No. She sent me off after screaming at me that I’d abused her trust and her daughter. I did not set-out to fall in love with Miss Anne, I assure you.”

“None of us can dictate for whom our feelings develop,” Prudence admitted.

“I tried to hide them, but recently, I had thought that perhaps Miss Anne wasn’t quite as indifferent as she should have been. Me being a servant.”

Prudence smiled. He was a genuinely nice man, and Anne could do a lot worse than him. She was convinced he would treasure her cousin as she should be treasured. “Did you explain this to Lady Catherine?”

“I didn’t get the chance, Miss. She had me thrown off the property. All my worldly goods are still there. I came with only the clothes I stood up in and the few pennies I had on my person.”

“Dear God! How could she be so cruel?” Prudence exclaimed.

“She was angry. I understand that. She wanted more than I could ever offer for Miss Anne.”

“But she made you destitute. I’m glad you came here. What made you decide to do so?”

“Miss Anne was crying and pleading with Lady Catherine, but she would not listen to her. In the end Miss Anne ran to me as I was being escorted by the footmen and told me to come to you. I have no family you see. There was no one else I could seek out,” Mr. Huxley finished.

“Poor Anne. Poor you,” Prudence said. “You are here now and can stay for as long as you need to. We shall think about the issue with regards to your reference tomorrow. I am sorry that I have to return to my guests, but I shall inform my father of your arrival.”

“I wouldn’t wish to get you in trouble, Miss.”

“Not at all. We are not the type of people to turn someone away in their hour of need. You are my guest, and father will welcome you. Truly.”

Ringing the bell, Prudence waited until the butler entered. “Mr. Huxley will be staying with us. He is travel weary and hungry, I’d imagine. Please arrange for a meal to be served to him in here while one of the guest chambers is prepared for him.”

“Yes, Miss Bamber.”

“Mr. Huxley, I am sure you would wish your clothing to be freshened up after your journey. Walsh, please arrange for some clothing. Mr. Huxley’s luggage has become separated from him, and until it arrives, he will need some alternatives.”

“Of course.” The butler left the room to carry out his duties.

“Thank you. He must think it a strange affair, my arrival at such an hour,” Mr. Huxley said, a flush on his cheeks.

“The servants here will not judge you,” Prudence assured him. “Please do not distress yourself. You are safe and welcome.”

“You cannot realise how much I value those words.” Mr. Huxley looked exhausted and emotional.

Prudence decided that she had been away long enough and stood up. Mr. Huxley also stood. “Wait here,” she said. “There will be food arriving soon. Take your time and rest. I don’t expect to see you until very late in the morning. I hope our party will not disturb you too much.”

Mr. Huxley bowed, his expression was serious and yet grateful.

Prudence left the room as a footman entered with a large tray laden with food. She smiled and thanked the servant before returning to her guests.


A late breakfast was served in the dining room the following morning. Prudence and her father were already seated when Mr. Huxley entered the large room. Not a trace of the previous night’s activity remained to be seen. The room had returned to being a quiet, relaxing space.

“Ah, this must be young Huxley,” Mr. Bamber said, standing and holding out his hand in greeting. “Good to see you, my boy. I take it you slept well?”

“Yes, sir. Thank Copyright 2016 - 2024