Code Name: Ghost - Sawyer Bennett Page 0,58

mouth down to mine. He does nothing but lightly rest it there, panting against me. His body jerks hard and he starts to groan, chanting, “Yes, yes, yes, yes,” as he unloads.

I move my hands to his back, feeling a ripple move up his spine before Malik collapses onto me. He’s sweaty, his shaft still pulsing between my legs. I wrap my arms around him, holding him tightly to my body. When we both regain our senses, I hope he’s not going to have any regrets about this.

I know I sure as hell won’t.

Malik rolls to his side, taking me with him. Placing a gentle kiss on my mouth, he smiles.

“Hi,” I say, my belly fluttering because the intimacy of just lying here in each other’s arms feels as good as what we just did.

“Hey,” he replies with a chuckle.

“You good?” I ask hesitantly.

The smile on his gorgeous face slides a little. “I’m going to have to be. No undoing what we just did, and I sure as fuck am not going backward after that.”

“It was beyond stellar, right?” I ask, because I need the validation. I need to know I’m not making something of this connection we have that’s simply not there.

“Far beyond stellar,” he agrees, again putting his lips on me. This time, he rests them on my forehead. When he pulls back, though, I note his expression is slightly guarded.

“What is it?”

A tiny muscle in his jaw ticks as he peers past me to the window. I can tell he’s grappling with something.

When his gaze comes back to me, it’s resolved. “I want to keep this a secret.”

“A secret?” I ask hesitantly.

“Kynan knows about us,” he says. “He came and talked to me a bit ago while I was in the firing range. Told me that you had told him what was going on.”

“I’m sorry,” I immediately apologize, but I’m also somewhat put off by this. Is he ashamed of me?

He shakes his head, his palm coming to the center of my chest. “No, I’m probably not saying this right. Kynan is cool with us seeing each other. I think you’re amazing, and yes… I have my issues with what happened in Syria, which I swear I’ll work through that. Kynan has pretty much demanded it.”

“As have I,” I point out.

Malik smiles. “Yes. I hear you loud and clear. It’s just… there’s sort of a bro code.”

“A bro code?” I mutter, completely confused.

“You don’t mess around with your friend’s woman. Your brother’s woman. Your teammate’s woman. It’s bro code.”

I stare blankly, the last flush of sweet intimacy fluttering inside of me dissipating as I struggle to understand what he’s saying.

“For example, if Cage stopped dating Jaime for whatever reason,” he explains, “and she was interested in Dozer and Dozer was interested in her… Even if Cage and Jaime ended on good terms and had no qualms with whom the other dated, it’s a violation of bro code for Dozer to date her.”

“I think I see what you’re saying.” I run my palm down his arm, lacing my fingers with his. “And you think you’re violating bro code by being with me?”

“I know I am,” he replies firmly.

“But you’re willing to violate it?” I ask to be sure.

“Apparently,” he returns dryly. “And clearly, it’s complicated.”

“You know this is different, right? Jimmy is dead. I get what you’re saying about bro code because that could cause hurt feelings, but that’s not the case here.”

Malik doesn’t say anything, and I can see I’m not swaying him.

“I talked to Corinne about this a little bit,” I proceed. “I was having some feelings of guilt… like I was betraying Jimmy. But she asked what Jimmy would want, and I know if he’s watching over me in the afterlife, he’d want me to be happy. He’d be sad if I didn’t move on. If I didn’t find happiness. So I don’t see this as any type of violation.”

Malik sighs, pulling me in tight to him. My cheek goes to his collarbone, and I wrap my arms around his waist.

“I don’t want anyone here thinking I’m taking advantage of you,” he murmurs. “That I’m moving in on territory where I don’t belong.”

“They wouldn’t.”

“They very well could,” he points out. “I’m just saying… maybe we could just take some time to ourselves for now. This is so complicated, we’re both dealing with such deep emotions over everything we’ve lost, and how to deal with what we’re gaining. I just—”

My fingers move to cover his mouth, Copyright 2016 - 2024