Code Name: Ghost - Sawyer Bennett Page 0,57

shift, spreading wider, and he settles in between them.

One of his hands goes down between us, and he fists himself. Bringing the tip to my entrance, he presses in just the tiniest bit.

“Oh, wow…” I moan, feeling my body expand to accommodate him. There’s a slight sting from his size and perhaps my inactivity, but the need to have him fill me outweighs any discomfort that it might cause. I press my hands to his ass, trying to get him to take me in a hard thrust, but he slowly works himself into me. A little bit in, a slight withdrawal, then a press in just a little farther.

It’s making me crazy. I raise my knees, tilting my hips, then I beg, “Malik… please.”

He silences me with his mouth. When he’s no more than halfway seated inside me, he moves his hand to my clit. I see a burst of stars behind my eyes at the first hard press to that sensitive knot. Coupled with the thickness of him filling me, I know I’m going to completely lose it soon.

Biting down hard on my lower lip, I let the sensations of what he’s doing overwhelm me. I revel in the fact it’s Malik who is between my legs being gentle and slow while at the same working hard to manipulate my body into giving him what it wants.

My orgasm hits out of nowhere. First, it’s only a slight tension in my lower belly before bursting into an outward explosion of release between my legs. It hits so suddenly I scream out in surprise as my hips buck upward, Malik’s name tearing out of my throat.

“Fuck yes,” he praises as pleasure rumbles through me. With one hard thrust, Malik seats himself all the way inside my body.

Pelvis to pelvis, he stares down while I pant against the orgasmic rain of pleasure rippling through me. He just watches—and I’m sure feels—what it’s like for two people to share pleasure. I bring a shaky palm to the side of his face and he leans into it, nuzzles me with closed eyes, then begins to move inside me.

Sheer bliss overtakes me as his cock powers in and out, long and sure thrusts now that he knows I’ve fully accommodated him. I can feel him everywhere, but mostly so deep inside of me that I know the place he’s touching will only ever be his from now on.

“God, you feel so good, Anna,” Malik mumbles, moving his mouth to my throat. He has a palm back on my breast. As he pinches my nipple, I feel a slight wetness there. I can’t even be embarrassed about it. Malik doesn’t seem to notice as he starts to pound between my legs.

As much as I love the gentleness and restraint he’s shown during our first time together—to make sure it’s good for me—it’s this strong man who has risen from the ashes to claim my body as his own right now that is more pleasurable than anything I’ve ever felt before.

“More,” I urge him, my hands returning to his ass.

Malik growls in my ear, fucking me harder. I arch my neck, close my eyes, and hang on for this amazing, thrilling, and beautiful ride.

Slipping an arm under my leg, his elbow catching me behind my knee joint, Malik pulls my leg up and spreads me wider. Unbelievably, he goes deeper still, and it’s clear that no matter who I’d been with in life prior to this man—husband or any other—I’ve never been fucked so thoroughly and deeply.

For a painful moment, I have a flash of guilt that I’d compared Jimmy to Malik, but I stuff it away for later analysis. They are two different men, and I’ll never let one diminish the other.

Malik is throwing himself into me. My legs are spread so wide they ache. When I open my eyes, I find him once again enchanted by the space between my legs. His head is bent, eyes pinned on his thick cock claiming me, and when I dare let my gaze fall there, it’s too much for me to bear.

A second orgasm curls inward. I hold on to it for a brief but beautiful moment before casting it outward to share with Malik. Once again, my back bows and my nails dig hard into his ass. His eyes fly to mine, widening as he realizes I’m coming again and it might just be too much for him.

“Oh, fuck…” he groans, planting himself deep and bringing his Copyright 2016 - 2024