Code Name: Ghost - Sawyer Bennett Page 0,24

mouth. I’m not sure why, but I know I did.”

I shoot her a reassuring look meant to tell her to stop beating herself up. Opening my mouth, I start to gently tell her the truth about my husband having just died when Malik stuns the shit out of me.

“I’m gay,” he blurts out.

Once again, I jerk, whipping his way.

Cage makes a choking sound, but Jaime doesn’t hear it. She merely grins sheepishly at Malik. “Well, totally missed that. My bad.”

“It’s all good,” Malik reassures her. When he cuts his gaze at me, I try to convey my gratitude with just my eyes.

“And look at the time,” Cage announces, glancing down at his watch. “We have to get going if we’re going to make our reservations.”

I happen to know Cage’s dinner reservations aren’t for another forty-five minutes. Plus, the restaurant he’s taking her to isn’t but a few blocks from here. He’s just cutting this a bit short before the conversation can turn any more personal, either creating more lies or forcing me to have to talk about Jimmy’s death.

Malik and I rise when Cage and Jaime do. We shake hands, making promises to get together for drinks again. When they leave, Malik motions back to the table. “Want to finish our beers?”

“Sure,” I reply, taking my seat again.

Malik goes to the other side. I don’t believe it’s because he doesn’t want to sit beside me. It’s just easier to talk while sitting opposite each other. He rearranges the glasses, pushing Cage and Jaime’s to the side, then tops our beers off from the pitcher.

Holding his glass up, he says, “Cheers.”

I tap mine against his. “Cheers.”

“So… that was slightly awkward,” Malik observes after he places his glass back on the table.

I laugh, my nerves finally having settled, knowing I don’t have to watch what I say anymore or explain I’m a widow to Jaime. “Totally. But you didn’t have to go the whole “I’m gay” route.”

Malik chuckles. “It was fun to see her face when I said it, though.”

I can’t help but laugh.

“Besides,” he continues. “I didn’t want you to have to bring up Jimmy when you’re not ready.”

His words strike something deep within me—that I’m not ready—and I wonder if that’s true or not. I mean, I haven’t looked at another man since Jimmy died. Been a little bit busy being a single mom while working a new job.

But I don’t necessarily feel lonely from a romantic perspective. Or is it because I’m still grieving that I haven’t had time for any other emotions to work their way in?

Regardless, I can’t help but be truthful. “I have no clue if I’m ready or not. Had never even thought about it until you just said that.”

“Sorry,” he murmurs apologetically.

“No, don’t be sorry,” I rush to reassure him with a quick shake of my head. “Actually… it’s part of my push forward, right? I mean, I suppose there will come a time where I’d consider dating. Is there like an appropriate amount of time you’re supposed to wait?”

Malik smiles, seeming amused. “I’m pretty sure there’s no handbook on this. Also, pretty sure Corinne would tell you to trust your gut.”

“Yeah, she’s pretty good at pushing things off on gut instinct, isn’t she?”

Malik leans back in his seat, fingertips tapping the side of his glass as he considers it. “I think she reminds you to trust your gut if she thinks you’re a strong enough individual to have a reasonable compass when it comes to scenarios like that.”

“Good point,” I say, picking up my glass. I take a tiny sip. “But going back to Jaime, I have to say…despite her matchmaking enthusiasm, I really liked her.”

Malik nods sagely. “You can tell Cage really likes her, too.”

“He needs to tell her the truth.”

“Immediately,” he adds.

I take another sip of my beer. “What about you? Are you dating anyone? Or are you sort of a hook-up kind of guy like Cage?”

After pondering his beer for a moment, Malik finally shrugs. “I’m not any one thing. I mean… I’ve dated. Had some serious relationships—mainly in high school—but, honestly, my time in the Marines sort of put a cramp in my dating life. I expect this job will be much of the same. Maybe that’s why Cage is the way he is… because of the job.”

“Cage is actually relationship averse,” I point out. “As in… he says monogamy is for schmucks, but I actually think he just doesn’t trust easily. I think he’s afraid of being hurt, Copyright 2016 - 2024