Code Name: Ghost - Sawyer Bennett Page 0,25

so he holds himself back.”

“No rewards without risks, right?” Malik suggests. “Maybe you should remind him of that.”

“For sure,” I reply.

We chitchat about work, mostly me filling Malik in on the company. He was so new when he joined us last June and he immediately headed out on that op to Syria, so he just hasn’t had a chance to get to know everyone.

He asks about Avery, which leads to questions about my family.

Which, in turn, makes me ask, “What are your plans for the holiday weekend? Going home?”

Malik shakes his head. “Nah… we never really celebrated Thanksgiving… being Canadian and all.”

“But aren’t you a dual citizen?” I ask.

“So it’s been pointed out,” he replies with a smirk. “But growing up in Montreal, we just never celebrated it. It wasn’t a holiday for us.”

“Still, Jameson is going to be closed down.” I pick up my glass, knocking back the last swallow. “Be a great time to get in a trip home for a visit.”

Malik once again shakes his head, appearing a bit contemplative. “I need my family to know I’m okay. The best way to do that is to not go home. Thought I’d just hang out here, eat all the calories my body can handle, and maybe catch up on some reading.”

“Well then, you must come with me to my mom’s for Thanksgiving dinner,” I say enthusiastically. “I mean, she’ll have a combination of the traditional turkey, mashed potatoes, and stuffing, but she’ll also cook some Polish stuff for her brothers who come over with their families. Lots of cousins and kids will be there. It’s a great time.”

Malik seems horrified at my suggestion, and I feel terrible for even making the offer. He must see something in me, recognizes he might have offended me, and he backtracks. “It’s a really great offer, Anna. In normal circumstances, I’d take it. Honestly, I’m just not up for socializing right now.”

I tilt my head. “But you came out with me tonight—”

“Because I feel comfortable with you,” he points out. “I’m sure your family is amazing. I’d also really like to meet Avery at some point, but honestly… it’s just a little too much right now.”

“Of course,” I rush to reassure him. “It’s not a problem at all.”

He smiles, gesturing at my empty cup. “You about ready to go?”

I nod, but I can’t help but speak something that’s been on my mind. “It’s painful to be around people, isn’t it?”

Malik’s eyes flare. Rather than look put out, though, he tilts his head curiously. “What makes you say that?”

“It’s just that you were isolated for so long without much contact or stimulation, so I imagine society has to be a bit of an overload for you right now.”

It’s fascinating to me when total relief washes over his face. “Thank you for getting that about me. For understanding.”

“It will get better,” I promise.

“I hope you’re right,” he replies.

“It will,” I say adamantly. “I know, because I’ve been in a really dark place. Eventually, it gets brighter. Little by little, you’ll break away from that. I know you can do it if I did. You’re far stronger than I ever was.”

“You’re pretty damn strong,” Malik murmurs with an acknowledgment of respect in his tone.

“I’ll help you along the way,” I promise, and I’m heartened when he nods in acceptance.



I mop the sweat at the nape of my neck with the t-shirt I’d ditched about fifteen minutes into my workout, then sling it over my shoulder. Glancing down, I can’t help but grimace at my ribs that are still showing through my skin, but I figure they’ll disappear with another month or so of high-caloric intake.

It’s not like I’m completely emaciated, thank fuck. When I’d been captured back in June, I was a pretty big dude. I’d seriously worked out and had a storage of thick muscle when I’d gone into captivity. Some had withered down, but I was steadily building it back up. The ribs still showing are merely the result of having my low body fat drop beyond a healthy amount, but at least my stomach is no longer caved inward from starvation. At the rate I’m going, I might even have a little pooch by springtime.

Just today I held nothing back. I might not be knee-deep in turkey and mashed potatoes, but I made a huge breakfast—four eggs, six slices of bacon, a mountain of fried potatoes, and two pieces of toast.

Basically, I laid around feeling sick to my stomach and watched Copyright 2016 - 2024