Cocky F*ck - Sheridan Anne Page 0,85

to let go. “I wouldn’t if I were you,” I taunt. “I could fuck you up a million different ways before you even knew what was happening.”

“Release me now,” she spits through clenched teeth. “Or I swear to God, when I take over this place, your little bitch ass will be the first to go.”

A grin spreads wide across my face and I step into her, watching as her eyes widen in fear. She tries to back up, but I move right along with her. “I dare you to try,” I beg of her. “Today is the day you do not want to mess with me.”

Jaqueline sucks in a deep breath but luckily keeps her mouth closed, and upon realizing that she doesn’t have a leg to stand on, I finally start to back off. My fingers slowly uncurl from her wrist and by the time I step back and allow her the chance to breathe, a throat clears behind me. “Miss Vanderbilt,” Harrison says, pleasantly pretending as though he didn’t just witness me threatening one of our guests. “Please take a seat in the living area. Mr. Carrington will be with you in a brief moment.”

Jaqueline huffs and turns so quickly on her heel that her hair whips across my face and I resist the urge to grab hold of it and tear out her fake extensions. She stalks off to the living room and I glare after her before turning and slamming straight into a solid wall of muscle.

Colton catches me as I rebound off his chest and I scrunch up my face, feeling pain tear through my poor little nose. “What the hell are you doing?” I demand, grabbing hold of my nose as Colton’s skin burns against my arms. “What kind of idiot creeps up behind a girl?”

“Fuck, Jade,” he says, his eyes filled with concern. “Are you okay?”

I pull out of his reach and will my eyes not to well up as the pain rockets through me. I’m going to be okay. I’m going to be okay. Do not cry in front of him.

“I’m fine, but why do you care? Afraid I’m going to sue you for a new nose?”

“Jade,” he says, his voice lowering with concern.

I shake my head in disappointment, but as I go to walk away a knock sounds at the door. Colton quickly glances around before looking over my shoulder at the living room, finding no trace of Harrison. He cringes. “Am I way out of line to ask you to get that?”

“Are you fucking kidding me?”

“Please, babe. I have to deal with Jacqueline and trust me, you’re going to want to see this.”

I let out a groan and start making my way to the door, hoping to God that I don’t have a bleeding nose. I look back over my shoulder to find Colton making his way toward the living room, and as if sensing my gaze on him, he looks back at me with raw emotion pulsing through his heavy stare.

God. Why does he make it so hard to hate him?

I look back to the door and keep my eyes glued there until my hand curls around the handle and I tear it open. I stare ahead, slightly confused with my heart racing. If these guys showed up on my doorstep in Breakers Flats, it could only mean that someone was dead, or that someone was about to be. Though, considering Jacqueline Vanderbilt is in the other room, it’s all pretty clear.

“Ma’am,” the officer on the right says, probably being the first person in my whole life to address me that way. “My name is Officer Laney. We were called to assist Mr. Carrington.”

Well, well. Maybe Colton was right, I really don’t want to miss this.

I step out of the way and wave them through before pointing out the living room. They’re quick to jump into action and start making their way toward it with me being far too nosey for my own good and following behind them.

I step into the living room just in time to watch the smug grin on Jacqueline's face drop in horror, realizing that she’s been caught.

Fuck yes. That was so damn satisfying.

She quickly pulls herself together. “What is the meaning of this?” she demands, waving her hand toward the police. “This is a private matter.”

Colton laughs, his eyes briefly flicking toward me. “You really thought that you’d get away with this?” he questions. “I’m Colton Fucking Carrington. Bitches like you have been trying Copyright 2016 - 2024