Cocky F*ck - Sheridan Anne Page 0,84

is a Wolf and would have a heart attack if he thought I was trying to help out a Widow.”

I laugh as I try to figure out who could possibly be her brother. “Oh, no. I’ve always tried to keep away from the gangs. I’ve already lost my father, I don't need to lose anything else.”

Her brows furrow and she leans forward to look over her papers. “Wait. Munroe?” she says, thoughtful. “What was your father's name?”

Unease settles into me but I can’t find a good excuse not to tell her. After all, she could probably just look it up. “His name was Louis.”

“Louis Munroe,” she says, her eyes sparkling with excitement. “Your dad was Big Lou?”

I shake my head. “Umm, no … I think you’ve got him confused with someone else. It’s a very common name.”

“No,” she says. “He was good friends with my father. I remember him saying he had a daughter your age. Why didn’t you say you had connections to the Wolves? I would have had your college applications already filled out and sent off the day you arrived.”

My brows furrow. “Okay ... you’ve really got your wires crossed. I’m certainly not a Wolf and my father wasn’t affiliated with any gangs.”

Confusion twists her features. “Are you sure?”

“I’m certain.”

“Oh, sorry. I just … I guess I assumed.”

I shrug my shoulders and give her a small smile while I’m dying on the inside. I need to get to Nic and I need to ask what the hell he knows. There’s no way my father was a Wolf because that would make me one of them and that’s just not possible. If I was one of them then my boys … fuck. I need to work this out.

“Alright, enough of that,” she says, moving along. “Tell me what you’d like to do with yourself. Do you have any idea what field you’d like to move into or what you’d want to study if you get into college?”

“I, umm …” I try to bring my mind back to the present, but I'm stuck filtering through every last thing I know about my dad and I end up looking back up at her, feeling way out of my depth. “I actually have no idea,” I tell her. “I guess I’ve never actually had to think about it before.”

“Okay, that’s perfectly fine,” she says. “Why don’t you think about it over the next few days and come back to me when you’ve worked it out. Then we can start making a plan for your future. How does that sound?”

She gives me a warm smile and just like that, my whole world has been tipped upside down.

By the time I’m walking through the door after school I’m an absolute mess. I don’t know if I should be thinking about my future, my dad, my fucked up relationship with Colton, or if I should be calling Nic to ask what he knows. But then that’s probably just going to cause even more problems. What I should really be doing is sitting down with mom and asking her about it. If anyone around here is going to know what dad was into, it'd be her, right? She’s always tried to steer me clear of the Black Widows. Perhaps there’s more to it than just wanting me away from my crew.

My mind is so clouded with the endless thoughts that I don’t even notice Jacqueline Vanderbilt loitering in the foyer until it’s already too late. “You there,” she calls, looking down at me as my head snaps up. “I have been waiting for twenty minutes. Where is Colton Carrington?”

My face scrunches up in distaste. “How should I know?” I demand, looking at the evil witch who thought she was going to get away with inheritance fraud. Considering she’s happily standing here, I’m assuming she still thinks she’s about to race off into the sunset with Charles’ buckets of cash. “You literally just saw me walk through the door. Am I supposed to be able to read minds?”

“You work here, don’t you?” she demands before letting out a frustrated sigh. “Are you stupid? Go and find him.”

“Fuck you,” I snap. “I’m not on the clock. Go and find him yourself, you daft bitch.”

Her eyes bug out of her head and her palm instantly races toward my face, but I’m ready for it. The girls around here only come equipped with the one move. My fingers curl around her wrist and I hold her hand up, refusing Copyright 2016 - 2024