Cocky F*ck - Sheridan Anne Page 0,73

whatever has her attention is clearly far too important. “Who’s that guy in the pool? He is fucking delicious. I could lick him up and down and never get tired of it.”

I hold back a grin. “That’s Milo. He’s my best friend and you know what? He’s newly single and was just telling me how he wants to let loose tonight and get a little crazy. I think you’ve got a shot if you play your cards right.”

Jess’ eyes bug out of her head as she whips around to me, excitement pulsing through her and radiating off her in waves. “Bullshit. Really?”

I nod. “You’re just his type.”

“Hell yeah,” she cheers, throwing back what’s left of her drink and then shoving the empty cup into Hendrix's hands. Her shirt is pulled up over her head revealing a skimpy red bikini that has her tits looking as though they’re worth a million dollars. Her skirt is shimmied down her hips and before we know it, she’s racing for Milo and dropping into the pool right beside him.

The laugh tears out of me as I watch Milo’s reaction to her. She swims right into him, throwing her arms around his shoulders and whispering in his ear with a seductive grin as her legs wrap around his waist. Milo’s eyes flick to mine and the longer he watches me, the darker they get, that is until he decides to play along. He slips his arm around her waist and locks his lips against hers.

“Holy crap,” Hendrix laughs. “They move fast.”

I shake my head, enjoying this way too much. Milo’s had enough to drink that I really don’t think he cares who he kisses. After all, a kiss is a kiss, and no matter where it comes from, it’s nice either way. Besides, this is no doubt helping the whole ‘gay image’ that he’s desperately trying to conceal.

The guys standing around the pool start cheering for Milo as though he’s just one of the boys about to get his dick wet and just like that, he’s saved from their scrutiny and rumors for at least another few months.

Hendrix loops her arms through mine and she starts pulling me out toward the pool. “Okay, don’t get weird with me,” she starts, digging into her purse with a nervous cringe, hoping I’m down for whatever bullshit she wants to get up to, and honestly, there’s not a lot that I’m not down with. “But do you want to get fucked up with me?”

Drix holds out a joint and a laugh pulls from deep within me as I slip my hand into my bra and pull out one of my own. “You’re on.”

We drop down in the grass and watch the party around us as a guy carrying a bottle of vodka strides past. He looks as though he’s already had enough to drink and Hendrix lures him in with a seductive smile. She holds up a finger and indicates for him to come closer and just as she knew it would, it works like a treat.

The guy stumbles forward, excited with the idea of being the object of Hendrix’s attention. He falls down in front of us and Hendrix instantly curls her fingers around the bottle. She pulls it closer and the guy comes right along, looking into her eyes as though she holds the secrets of the universe. “Why don’t you go and wait for me upstairs?”

His brow raises and he nods furiously before scrambling to his feet and taking off back into the house, leaving the bottle behind as I gape at my new friend. “What the hell was that?”

She grins proudly while uncapping the bottle of vodka. “It’s my party trick,” she says, bringing the bottle to her lips and taking a quick swig. “Did you like it? Works every time.”

She hands me the bottle and I take a drink. “It was inspiring,” I laugh. “I need to sharpen up on my own tricks.”

“Damn straight, girl,” she says. “Otherwise I’m going to be showing you up at every turn and we can’t have that now, can we?”

She sure as hell has a point.

Hendrix nods toward the pool to where Jess is busily running her claws all over Milo’s toned, sun-kissed body. “Is she really going to get anywhere with him?”

I shake my head, letting the laughter shine through my eyes. “No chance in hell, but it’ll be fun watching her work it out.”

“Damn,” Hendrix laughs. “That’s brutal.”

I shrug my shoulders. “She’ll be alright. It’s Copyright 2016 - 2024