Cocky F*ck - Sheridan Anne Page 0,72

his eyes in a way that has me desperate to kiss him. “About fucking time.”

Chapter 16

Bodies fill the Carrington mansion and I have to admit, after Sebastian had a contact show up at the door and drop off a few party favors, this party turned into one of the best nights I’ve ever had in Bellevue Springs.

Sebastian sent enough joints to get all of Bellevue Springs stoned, and after the bullshit Colton’s been through, he was the first to shove his hand into the little baggie and light one up.

We were practically inseparable until the crowd showed up. Since then, I haven’t seen him. I have no idea what happened to him though. I’m pretty sure he’s probably avoiding Spencer because of the bullshit that’s going down with his cousin and Charlie … well, things with Charlie are a little stressed seeing as though they’re both trying to get into my pants.

When will the bullshit end?

Milo curls his arm around my waist and lifts me off the floor as a loud squeal tears from within me. “Put me down,” I laugh, grabbing at his wrists and pulling until I’m finally freed.

“Girl,” he says as he starts to move his body to the beat of the music. “This party is fucking insane. We should do this every Tuesday night.”

“Yeah, right,” I laugh. “You’re not even going to remember this party in the morning.”

“As if I could forge—” Milo’s eyes go wide as he cuts himself off. “Let’s get in the pool.”

“No way. You can go and get in the pool all by yourself.”

“Hell yeah.” Milo takes off at a run, stripping out of his clothes as he goes. His shirt is torn over his head and thrown across the living room, gaining the attention of every girl in the room. Milo has a body on him, a fucking nice one, and not even I could resist stealing a peek. Next up, he kicks his shoes off and as he approaches the pool, his pants begin to go too.

Girls start squealing for him and his concentration breaks, looking over at them with a cheesy as fuck grin and encouraging them to come with him. Milo’s not stupid. He’s been playing this game since the very beginning and knows that if the girls strip down to their bikinis that there’s a good chance that the guys will join them in the pool and that’s exactly what he wants.

Milo continues running and honestly, he looks like a swan preparing for the most spectacular dive into the pool but as he continues calling for the girls to join him, he misses a step and his feet get tangled in pants that are halfway down his shins.

Milo goes tumbling with every last person at the party watching him and my breath catches in my throat. If he wasn’t so high and just about finished with his fourth Mudslide, he'd be beside himself with fear, but the alcohol might just do the trick to help him play this off smart.

One second he’s tumbling and the next, he disappears into the indoor portion of the pool with a massive crash. Water spits up around him as everyone watches, some laughing while others gasp, worried that he’s hurt himself, but in true Milo fashion, he comes shooting to the surface with a loud booming laugh. “Fuck me,” he says, his laughs so uncontrollable that I can hardly understand the gibberish that’s coming out of his mouth. “Did you see that shit?”

The whole room starts cheering and not a second later, people start rushing toward him, clothes getting thrown all over the place.

Someone presses the button that opens the room into a huge indoor/outdoor space and suddenly the party has doubled in size. I’m reminded of my first day here when Charles had so proudly shown me this feature of his home and a fondness sweeps over me. The music is turned up and booze flows faster than it has ever flowed before, creating the best party Bellevue Springs has ever seen.

“Wow, I always forget just how big this place is. It's freaking huge,” a familiar voice says, moving in beside me.

I glance across to find Hendrix's warm smile and Jess close by her side. She's looking out at the pool with a red cup in her hand, filled to the brim with who the hell knows what.

“Right,” I say. “I live here and still can't wrap my head around it.”

“Holy shit,'' Jess says, not bothering with a hello as Copyright 2016 - 2024