Claimed by Cipher - Lolita Lopez Page 0,66

hauling buckets of water from my well than take the human equivalent of a bird’s dust bath.”

“Thankfully, that’s not a choice you have to make. We’ll always have better quarters than most,” he assured her. “Even if we transfer to a different ship in the fleet, we’ll have a large space and the best amenities.”

“And if we decided to move back to the planet? To build a real house? How do we pay for the construction? How do we fund our lives?”

“I have a pension,” he explained. “I’m fully vested. The longer I serve, the more I’ll earn.” He hesitated before adding, “If I die while in service, you get the full pension plus all the benefits of being a mate such as healthcare for life.”

Her expression turned serious, and she took a step toward him, grabbing hold of his shirt and commanding his gaze. “I don’t want a pension or benefits. I want you.”

“Good,” he murmured, lowering his face toward hers, “because I don’t intend to die anytime soon.”

He claimed her lips, and she wound her arms around his waist. She was so short that standing to kiss like this wasn’t comfortable for very long. He had plenty of ideas how to make it more comfortable, but there were things they needed to take care of first. Reluctantly pulling away, he said, “Let’s get your breathing treatment out of the way.”

She made a face. “Do I have to?”

“Yes.” He kissed the tip of her nose as she pouted.

“It tastes so gross,” she protested. “It makes me cough and shake.”

“I know it does.” He hated that she had to endure the treatments. “I wish you didn’t have to do them.”

She sighed unhappily. “Well, let’s get it over with.”

“The pharmacy delivered your medicine and equipment yesterday.” He took her hand and led her into the bedroom. She sat in the oversized reading chair in the corner while he opened a cabinet to show her where he had stowed her medical things. He had observed her treatments while she was in the hospital so he knew how to put together the nebulizer and insert the medication cartridge.

Pulling out the ottoman, he sat on it in front of her and handed over the nebulizer mask. She grumpily slipped the mask into place over her mouth and nose and began breathing in the medicated mist. She started to cough after a few seconds, and he reached for her hand. The coughing ended a short while later, and she breathed deeper and easier. By the time she reached the end of the treatment, her hands were shaking from the burst of adrenaline caused by the medication that dilated the vessels and cells in her lungs.

When the treatment was finished, she removed the mask and closed her eyes. She drew her short legs up onto the chair, hugging her knees to her chest and dropping her head back as she inhaled slow breaths. He stood up and kissed the top of her head before gathering up the nebulizer and taking it to the bathroom to clean it. After it was dry, he returned it to the cabinet and then segued to the kitchen to get her a box of juice. She was currently obsessed with the blue drink made from a variety of different fruits and vegetables and sweetened with outrageous amounts of sugar. With her orders to gain weight, he had happily picked up two cases of it from the commissary.

“Here you go.” He handed over the box of juice and sat on the ottoman.

“Thank you.” She slipped the thin straw into her mouth and sipped the juice.

He placed his hands on her calves and rubbed lazy circles on her skin. “You okay?”

She nodded. “Just feeling jittery and awake.”

With a mischievous smile, he teased, “I think I know of a way to calm you down again.”

The corners of her lush mouth lifted with amusement. “That so?”

“If you’re up to it,” he said, studying her carefully. “If you’d rather rest, we can do that instead.”

“I’d rather rest after you show me your method of calming me down.” She lowered her legs and leaned forward, smiling coyly around the straw as she sipped more of the juice. The sight of the straw between her lips had him thinking of something else he’d like to see in her mouth.

Standing, he held out his hand and tugged her off the chair. She trailed close behind, still sipping her juice as he led her into their playroom. He left the Copyright 2016 - 2024