Claimed by Cipher - Lolita Lopez Page 0,67

door open again, wanting to set her at ease. Her gaze roamed the room as she drank the last of her juice. When the box was empty, he took it from her and set it aside. “Is there something in here that looks interesting to you? Maybe something you want to try tonight?”

She didn’t even hesitate and walked straight to the swing. “This.”

“Good choice,” he remarked, joining her. “Do you want to try it in a simple way, or do you want to get a little wild?”

“Wild,” she said hurriedly.

Amused by her enthusiasm, he grinned as he moved to the nearest set of drawers. “Why don’t you pick out something from this drawer and this one?”

Always curious, she made her way to the drawers he had opened and looked at the items inside. “Is this a blindfold?”

“It is.” He took the long length of red silk from her hand. “Sensory deprivation can be an interesting way to amp up your pleasure centers.”

“Ear plugs?”

He nodded and picked them up. “Blocking out hearing and vision puts you in a vulnerable and excited state.”

She bit her lower lip. “I want to try the blindfold, but I’m not ready for the ear plugs yet. Your voice makes me feel safe,” she admitted shyly.

Hearing her say that did crazy things to his heart. He cupped the back of her head and drew her in for a little kiss. “Blindfold it is.”

Smiling, she moved to the second drawer and frowned. “Are these pieces of jewelry?”

“In a sense,” he said, picking up the one she seemed most fascinated by. “They’re clamps.”


“Your nipples.”

“My what?” Eyes wide, she stared at him as if he had three heads. “Why would anyone want their nipples clamped?”

“Because it feels good.”

She narrowed her eyes. “Says who?”

“Says everyone who uses them.”

She seemed unconvinced. “Doesn’t it hurt?”

He shook his head. “They can be uncomfortable if they’re too tight or pulled on, but sometimes that discomfort makes the pleasure feel even better.”

She took the clamps from his hand and looked them over for a few seconds. Keeping her eyes downcast, she said, “I don’t think my nipples will be much fun for you to play with, Cipher. They’re awfully flat and plain.”

He tipped her chin with his fingers and held her gaze. “There’s nothing about you that is plain, Brook. Especially not your perfect tits,” he added, being deliberately crude to make her blush. “I’ll show you exactly what I mean.”

She swallowed hard and nodded. “If you say so, sir.”

“I do.”

She turned back to the drawers and opened a third. He hadn’t intended to show her anything in there for a few weeks. Although she seemed keen to explore her sexuality, he wasn’t sure that interest extended to her bottom. Watching her with interest, he held his breath as she picked up the biggest anal plug in the drawer. The shiny black toy looked absolutely obscene in her small hand, and he realized it would likely never be one they could use.

“What is this?”

“It’s an anal plug.”

“A what?” Her eyes were huge as she glanced from his face to the suddenly offending object in her hand. “You put this...where?”

“In your bottom.”

“I don’t think so!” She dropped the toy as if it were burning her hand, and it bounced inside the shallow drawer.

“Not that one,” he clarified quickly. “That is way, way too big for you. I wouldn’t ever pick that toy out of the drawer to use on you.”

She seemed mollified by that. As if trying to understand, she asked, “Why would you put that in there?”

“It feels good.”

“For whom?”


“I doubt it.” She dubiously eyed the offending toy. “How do you even get it in there?”

“With a lot of patience and lubrication,” he stated, enjoying this back and forth with her.

“And then what? You just leave it in there?”

“You can,” he said. “Or you can use it to help you prepare for a nice, long ass fuck.”

“A what?” she spluttered. Suddenly turning, she pressed her backside against the counter as if to protect it from a sneak penis attack. “You want to put know what in my butt?”

“Eventually, yes,” he said, taking a step toward her. “If you don’t like it after the first time we try it, we’ll never do it again.”

“But...why? Why would you want to put it in there?”

“The same reason I enjoyed putting it in your pussy,” he answered. “It feels good to be inside you. It feels good to be squeezed by your heat.” Boxing her in against the counter, Copyright 2016 - 2024