The Christmas Plan - Samantha Chase Page 0,14

that people probably recognized her.”


“And if they’re anything like me, they’re probably wondering when you’re going to admit that there’s something more than friendship there.”

Off in the distance he heard Aspen talking to his father and knew this conversation was going nowhere. Maybe he was being overly suspicious. Maybe everyone was just being nice. Maybe…

“Hey! Did you hear that I get to stay in the tiny house out back?” Aspen announced happily as she walked back into the kitchen.

“Um…what?” Gabe asked with irritation. “Why…I mean…why is Aspen staying in a tiny house? And when did we even get a tiny house?”

His father walked into the room and clapped a hand on Gabe’s shoulder. “It’s Josiah’s old place. He and Melanie have used it as a guest house and when we mentioned that we needed more space this month, word got around and Josiah offered it to us.” Smiling with pride, he continued. “It has everything you could need and the heat is great in it. It’s very well insulated.”

Forcing himself not to pinch the bridge of his nose again, he opted to mentally count to ten. “That’s all great, Dad. But why do we need it? There’s more than enough room here for Aspen! We have two guestrooms!”

“Sweetie,” his mother interjected. “I told you your grandparents were coming and your Uncle Ed is going to be here…”

“So? Grandma and Grandpa always take the guest room down here. We discussed this. Aspen was going to take the guest room upstairs and…I guess Uncle Ed can bunk with me.”


He was unable to stop the groan of frustration before it was out.

Paul Andrews squeezed his son’s shoulder again. “Your mother went a little overboard with opening the house to family and friends this month. We figured the tiny house would give Aspen some…you know…privacy.”

“That is so sweet,” Aspen chimed in, smiling at him. “But really, I would have been fine sleeping on the couch. I hate that you’re making such a big fuss for me.” She paused. “Although…with my own little kitchen, I could set up my tools for the candy.”

“Yes!” his mother cried out happily. “That was exactly what I was thinking!”

Yeah, Gabe didn’t think that was quite what his mother was looking out for. And when he glanced at her, she guiltily looked away.

“I don’t think she needs to move out there tonight, though, right?” he asked. “There’s no reason for that since we’re the only ones here.”

“Tomorrow’s Thanksgiving, sweetie,” his mother said as she began fussing with serving plates and bowls. “Grandma, Grandpa, and Uncle Ed will be arriving in the early afternoon and staying through the weekend. It just makes sense…”


“Plus, all the bedding for the guest room is in the laundry and the bed in the guestroom down here is essentially a hospital bed for your grandparents, Gabe. And why would you want Aspen to move twice?” his mother asked, popping the tray of biscuits into the oven.

“I don’t want her to move even once, Mom!” he yelled and watched as three pairs of wide eyes stared back at him.


Aspen moved in close beside him, hooking her arm through his.

And not realizing just how much she was not helping this situation.

“It’s all good, Gabe. I can set up my equipment in the kitchen out there and not have to worry about it being in anyone’s way. And you know I’m kind of a slob, so…”

“You’re not.”

But she really was.

“Besides,” she went on. “It will be like a little adventure! I’ve never been in a tiny house before. I’ve only ever seen them on TV.”

Gabe had to wonder if she was truly excited about this or if she didn’t want to complain in front of his family. Part of him really wished she would. He hated the timing of it and how this was all playing out. One of the reasons he had invited her to come to Silver Bell Falls with him was because she was going through a rough time and he knew she’d enjoy being surrounded by his family. The fact that they specifically went out of their way to find her a space where she wouldn’t be surrounded by anyone really wasn’t helping.

All he knew was that this wasn’t the time to argue.


In town less than two hours and already needing to escape. This has to be a new record.

“C’mon,” his father said, oblivious to the turmoil Gabe was feeling. “I’ll take you outside and you can check it out. How long till dinner, hon?”

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