The Christmas Plan - Samantha Chase Page 0,13

that was lined with trees before opening up onto a large piece of property. Aspen gasped at the white farm-style house with a two-story detached garage. There were several smaller structures on the property that looked like a couple of storage sheds, but nicer.

“Oh, Gabe,” she said with awe as the car came to a stop in front of the garage. “I had no idea the property was so big! This is amazing! So the trees grow right here? Do you have any animals? Or…?”

There was a knock on the window and they both jumped when they spotted Gabe’s mom waving excitedly at them and Aspen couldn’t wait to get out of the car and hug her.


Something was up and Gabe didn’t think for one minute it was just that his mother had told some people that Aspen was joining them for the holidays. He just needed to get her alone for five minutes to find out exactly what it was.

If only she would stop talking to Aspen and sharing recipes!

“Which way to the ladies' room, Mrs. Andrews?” he heard her ask and was thankful when she finally left the room.

That’s when he swooped in.

“Hey, Mom,” he said sweetly, coming into the kitchen and hugging her.

“This is going to be such a treat to have the two of you here for the next six weeks!” She kissed him on the cheek and gave him one more squeeze before stepping away. “I’ve got a wonderful pot roast for us for dinner with potatoes, carrots, and gravy. And I’ve got a batch of your favorite biscuits ready to go in the oven. I hope you’re hungry!

He had to hand it to her; she was good at distracting. But Gabe always could tell when his mother was nervous. First, she was overly chatty. Second, she never made eye contact. Third, she was constantly on the move.

And she was currently doing all three right now.

“I must have baked a dozen different kinds of cookies already, but I’m really looking forward to spending some time with Aspen and learning how to make some of her famous chocolate candies. She mentioned that she brought some of her stuff with her and I hope we can get to add some holiday candy to my usual gifts. You know how I love to give tins of cookies to all our friends and family,” she was saying. “Did I mention that your grandparents are coming early this year?” She let out a small laugh. “Funny story, your grandmother got a little miffed when she caught grandpa flirting with one of the ladies at the senior citizen luncheon. She swears if someone isn’t there to stop her, she’ll have to beat him with her cane!” Another laugh. “Can you imagine?”

Time was running out. Aspen would be back soon and as humorous as the story about his grandparents was, he needed some answers.

“Mom, what did you tell everyone about me and Aspen?”

She froze for only a second and then turned her back to him and began wiping down the countertops. “What do you mean?”

Pinching the bridge of his nose, Gabe tried not to be disrespectful. “Everyone we ran into today knew who Aspen was.”

“Well, I may have mentioned to some friends about Aspen joining us for the holidays.” She shrugged. “I didn’t think it was a big secret.”

“No, it’s not a secret. But I got the distinct impression that they were looking at us like we were…a couple.”

There. I said it.

More scrubbing of the same spot and Gabe knew she was stalling. Walking over, he firmly placed his hand over hers and waited for her to look at him. “What did you tell everyone about me and Aspen?” he repeated slowly.

“Honestly, Gabriel. I think all your filmmaking has your imagination running wild!” She let out another laugh. “I don’t know why you would think I said something that I didn’t.” Straightening, she placed her hands on her hips. “When did you get so suspicious?”

“When everyone in town seemed to know who Aspen was and then gave me very knowing looks.”

She made a tsk-ing sound at him. “You know how friendly everyone is. I think you’re just imagining it.”



Here we go.

“The two of you have been friends for such a long time and you’re closer than most couples. I just don’t understand why this relationship hasn’t blossomed into more.” Then she gave him a patient smile. “Even if I didn’t mention that Aspen was coming here, you’ve talked about her often enough Copyright 2016 - 2024