Christmas Kisses with My Cowboy - Diana Palmer Page 0,94

focus on the exact words. “You knew about this hours ago and decided to wait for Logan to tell me?”

“It was his call. Logan wanted—”

“Stop.” She shoved at him. Logan stepped forward but Noah signaled for him to give them some space. “Oh, you don’t need to step outside, Sheriff. We’re done.” She looked back at Noah, not bothering to hide her devastation—or anger. “I don’t need to hear anymore. You answered my question.” Her voice caught and she pressed a hand to her stomach. “I can’t do this.”

“Do what?”

“This. Us.” The last word came out on a half sob. “Get out.”

“Are you kidding me?” he asked, sounding as if he were the injured party. “I came here to help you.”

“I don’t need saving.”

“Faith?” a small voice called out from behind her. “What’s going on?”

Noah’s breathing stopped and Logan let out a long-suffering sigh. Closing her eyes for a moment, because she would not lose it in front of Pax. He needed her strong. She cleared her throat, then turned around with a confident smile.

“Hey, buddy. Sorry we woke you.” She took in his sleep-heavy eyes and the sheet print on his cheek and resolved that nothing would harm her brother. If this was going to happen, she’d make it as easy as possible. And that meant being his shield. “I have something to ask you. Sheriff Miller’s here because some toys and money were taken from the community center. Do you know anything about that?”

He yawned and shook his head. “No.”

Faith took the red backpack from the sheriff and Pax’s gaze immediately dropped. “Did you take these from the storage room?”

“No,” Pax said, the shock on his face genuine. Relief rushed through her until her legs felt as if they were about to give. She walked to the couch and sat, patting the cushion next to her. The two men followed but remained standing.

“Pax, this is serious,” she began. “Our family only works on trust, you know that. So I need you to look me in the eye and tell me the truth, knowing that no matter what you say, I’ve got you. You understand, we’re in this together.”

“I didn’t steal anything,” he said, and she believed him.

Faith wasn’t being naive. She knew that kids lied to their parents all the time, including Pax. But he’d never lie over something like this. They were more than family. They were all each other had. Pax knew how hard she’d fought to keep them together and he’d never do anything to risk their being torn apart.

“Where did you get the money?” Sheriff Logan asked.

“I earned it,” Pax said, using a tone that was a little big for his britches.

“You will answer the sheriff with respect, even if he isn’t affording us the same courtesy.”

Pax looked the sheriff in the eye. “I can’t say, sir.”

Logan blinked “Can’t or won’t?”

Noah got down on his haunches in front of Pax. “Look, buddy, this isn’t the time to hold back. If you can explain how you rightfully came by this money and the toys, now’s the time to tell.”

Pax’s face folded with confusion. “Me telling you I didn’t isn’t enough?”

“I’m afraid not.”

Pax looked over at Faith, worrying his lip. “So the only way you leave my house and I’m not in trouble is for me to get someone else in trouble?”

And wasn’t that the worst part. That Pax was discovering precisely how backward the legal system was, and he hadn’t even reached high school.

“Did this someone else steal the money and toys?” Noah asked.

Pax shook his head.

Faith watched the man who’d promised her he’d never hurt her exploit his relationship with her brother to question him.

Not going to happen.

Faith stood and put her hand on Pax’s shoulder. “Why don’t you take Sheriff Miller to your room and let him look around? But don’t answer any questions unless I’m there.”

“I know the law,” Logan informed her.

“So do I, Sheriff.”

She waited until they left the room, then met Noah’s gaze, hers pleading for him to be the man he’d promised to be by the creek. “If he’s saying he didn’t do it, then can you trust me when I promise that he didn’t do it?”

“I know this is hard.”

“Hard? You have no idea what this is for me.”

“I can imagine, and it’s tearing me up inside,” he said, and there was so much compassion and concern in his tone, she prayed that what he’d said before had been a mistake. A momentary misfiring, and the Noah she’d Copyright 2016 - 2024