Christmas Kisses with My Cowboy - Diana Palmer Page 0,93

dropped him off at eight o’clock yesterday morning and he was there all day until I picked him up after my shift around six-thirty. He’s been with me ever since.”

“The property in question disappeared from a secure storeroom connected to the community center,” Logan informed her. “One of the items missing is a laser gun set totaling three hundred dollars. There’s also a PlayStation and skateboard unaccounted for. My deputies are working with Treats for Tots volunteers to search the warehouse and find out if anything else is missing.”

“So you don’t even know if it’s missing or misplaced, but you got a warrant to search my brother’s room? A warrant, Logan.” Faith’s body trembled all over. She held her arms tightly around herself for fear she’d shake apart.

“The boxes were found last night discarded behind a Dumpster near the Corner Market,” Logan said. “According to Pax’s Dear Sweet letter, he asked for all three of those items.”

“So did half the boys in town. But I guess Pax is the only one whose dad is a felon.” She looked at Noah, eyes pleading. “Tell him Pax isn’t like that.” He remained silent. “Tell him.”

But Noah didn’t tell the sheriff anything. He stood stoically by, on her porch stoop where he’d left mistletoe days before, and simply said, “It’s the exact laser tag set he and JT were looking at on my laptop.”

“And are officers at your house, questioning JT?” she demanded.

The two men exchanged a meaningful look and Faith shook her head.

“Of course not.” She laughed bitterly.

“When we rode up, we spotted a red backpack stuffed behind a planter in the side yard,” Logan said, holding it up. “It wasn’t hidden well and was in clear sight. Is this Pax’s?”

God, no! She immediately recognized the backpack. It was her hiking backpack that she kept in the garage. Logan slid open the zipper with a pencil and Faith felt sick.

Inside were two neon blue laser guns with coordinating helmets and vests. “I don’t understand. He must have borrowed them from a friend.”

“I’m pretty sure we’ll find they match the empty box discarded in town,” Logan said, and Faith covered her mouth.

“Maybe he bought them. He’s been mowing lawns all summer and fall and doing odd jobs for our neighbors.” She looked at Noah. “Tell him Pax isn’t like that.”

Noah ran a hand over his face. “Angel, those are worth at least three hundred.”

“Plus, there’s another two hundred and change in the front pocket,” Logan added, and Faith sagged against the doorframe.

Where on earth would Pax get two hundred dollars?

“It all totals somewhere close to a grand,” Logan finished.

“I don’t know how this all got here, but there has to be a logical answer.” Afraid she’d pass out, Faith placed a hand to her forehead and concentrated on slowing her breathing.

“Angel.” Noah reached for her and instinctively she recoiled.

She held up a hand. “I need to know if you are here for me or to help Logan?”

Noah met her gaze, strong and steady, and a small flare of hope flickered in her chest.

“Of course I’m here for you,” he said, and she nearly wept. “When Logan told me what was going on, I made him promise to call me before he issued a warrant so I could be here when he arrived.”

She staggered back a step, as if her heart knew it needed space for her brain to process what he’d just said. But no matter how many different ways she came at the situation, it always ended with the same gut-wrenching conclusion. “You knew they were looking into my brother and didn’t call to warn me so I could, I don’t know, make sure Pax was prepared for cops to storm his house?”

“Logan called me as a courtesy,” he said. “It’s not my case, Faith.”

Something sharp and painful tore through her chest, piercing her heart. “I’m glad someone was afforded the courtesy. And I’m glad this isn’t your case, because it un-complicates matters.” She walked to the door, which was still wide open, and said, “I’ve been warned. You can leave now, Noah.”

“Let me help.” He walked over and offered her his hand. She crossed her arms so she wouldn’t be tempted to take it. “I know how these things work. If Pax simply explains what happened and returns everything, I’m sure he’ll get off with a warning.”

Noah looked at Logan, who mumbled something about an agreement, but Faith was too busy trying to keep her heart from breaking in two to Copyright 2016 - 2024