Christmas at Fireside Cabins - Jenny Hale Page 0,89

the cabins but also seemed to know all about Theo’s coffee shop. But it wasn’t her place to ask, so she didn’t comment, hoping that they’d find Theo soon.

They drove the dark country roads, the luxury car hugging every turn, taking the curves easily, until they pulled up to the coffee shop.

“Theo’s truck is there, but he took my friend Eleanor’s car from the cabin.” She peered through the passenger window to see if he could be inside anyway, but the shop was dark and there was no car in sight. “Where did he go?” Lila asked, wondering out loud.

“I have no idea,” Smash said. “Let’s head back to the cabin. Maybe we missed him.”

They returned to the cabin, the car filled with a tense silence, and there was still no sign of Theo or Eleanor’s car. “Where would he have gone?” Lila asked nervously. “I’m worried.”

Smash turned off the engine. “I’ll wait as long as it takes.”

Lila didn’t even want to consider the fact that it could be Smash on her sofa tonight instead of Theo. What had she gotten herself into? She had no idea if he was trustworthy to be around, or what on earth she’d say to him. She would’ve loved to let Eleanor know, but she wasn’t quite ready to admit to the old lady that she’d lost her car…

But as they made their way up to the front door, the crunch of gravel behind them caused Lila to turn around, and to her relief, there was Eleanor’s car. “Thank God,” she said, delighted to see Theo.

Theo, however, looked like a storm cloud. He breezed past Lila without a single explanation as to where he’d been this whole time, his jaw set and his fists clenched, striding up to his father.


“What do you get out of it, huh?” Theo spat, his face only inches from Smash’s.

Smash stumbled back. “What do you mean?” he asked, clearly confused.

“Let’s all go inside,” Lila suggested anxiously as she tried to steer them in, shocked by what was unfolding.

Theo didn’t move. “Are you getting a cut of the money?” he snapped at Smash.

“What money?” Smash stepped closer to Theo. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Theo, it’s freezing,” Lila told him, baffled by the sudden turn of events. “Come inside. Please.”

As if just realizing she was standing there, his anger having blinded him, Theo finally made eye contact with Lila. With a resigned look, he headed into the cabin, and Lila and Smash both followed.

“I invited you here to try to make amends and you betrayed me. Again.” He pushed against Smash’s chest—gently, but enough to show his frustration.


When his father said that word, it silenced them both.

Once Smash had seemed to collect himself, he said, “Tell me what you’re talking about because I don’t have a clue. You called me to come see you, and I was so happy that I canceled my plans for the night immediately and jumped in the car the first chance I got. I’ve done nothing knowingly to deceive you. So please tell me what’s going on.”

“About two hours ago, I found Alexa waiting for me at the coffee shop. How would she have known where to find me unless you told her?”

Some sort of realization slid across Smash’s face.

“I want to move on with my life!” Theo carried on. “I don’t want to have anything to do with Alexa. I tried to outrun her just now, and I nearly drove all the way to the next county until I figured she wasn’t going to let me go, so I pulled over and let her say her piece. She’s going to actually try to sue us for the wedding, and now I’m going to have to pay a divorce attorney. Thank you very much.”

“I met with Alexa’s father before you called…” Smash rubbed his forehead in remorse. He turned away and walked over toward the sparkling Christmas tree.

“What?” Theo nearly shouted. He stomped across the room, the tree’s ornaments rattling with his movements. “What are you doing, talking to Lawrence Fontaine?” Theo threw his hands up in frustration. “I knew this was a terrible idea, asking you back into my life. You can’t just be a father, can you?”

Lila felt terrible. It had been her suggestion to call Smash, and now look what she’d done. Everything Theo had tried to avoid seemed to be happening all at once. She chewed on her lip, wondering what she could say, what she could do, to make Copyright 2016 - 2024