Charmed: A Masters and Mercenar - Lexi Blake Page 0,14

and see her cowboy. The question was could she do her job during the day and see him at night? She was supposed to immerse herself into learning the business and the Malones, but there should be some personal time, right?

She stopped. Was she doing it again? Was she letting herself get so wrapped up in a man that she gave up everything for him?

This was exactly what had happened before. With Roger.

JT wasn’t Roger. She couldn’t put that stamp on every man for the rest of her life. Nina took a deep breath as she walked into the room with the pool table. In the light of day, the suite was even more impressive than it had been the night before.

She was pretty sure her entire flat could fit into this one. Morning light filled the room and washed over the pool table where she’d been worshipped the night before.

JT was the best lover she’d ever had. Was she mistaking good sex for emotion?

Her clothes were strung over the sofa along with the ones he’d been wearing the night before. She picked them up, folding them all.

She took a deep breath and decided to stop panicking, stop overthinking. She would go with the flow. There was nothing wrong with enjoying the morning together, and then when she got back from the job, she would give him a call and maybe they could have another night together and go from there.

She stared out over the city, her mind on the man walking somewhere below. What was he thinking? He’d said he wanted to talk. Somehow she didn’t see JT wanting to talk about how the sex had been good, but they should go their separate ways. No. He was going to suggest they see each other again.

That was how she would play it. She would agree to date him when she had time off work, and they would take it from there. She wouldn’t throw herself wholly into a relationship. Cool. She would play it cool.

Her cell trilled and she turned away from the morning light with a sigh. Maybe having a week away from JT would give her some perspective. She could spend the week reminding herself that one night did not a relationship make. Sandra would be good at helping her through this. Sandra would be ridiculously over-the-top honest with her. If she called her friends back in London, they would look at the whole situation through a romantic lens. That was because all her friends back in London were happily married and cranking out babies like they were trying to populate the world.

Did JT want kids?

What was wrong with her? She growled as she picked up the phone. Yes, work would be good. Work would remind her that the world wasn’t some romance novel. Work would remind her that if she didn’t pay attention, she would get shot again, and she didn’t need any more scars. “Good morning, Sandra.”

“Oh, you did not take my advice.” She could practically see Sandra shaking her head. “You sound even more tense than you did before, and what I have to tell you isn’t going to help.”

“In fact, I did take your advice. I shagged the most delicious man I’ve ever seen in my life, and it was fabulous. So fabulous that if I were a schoolgirl, I would have spent the morning writing my married name in a notebook and planning our wedding. If I knew his last name.”

A chuckle came over the line. “Ah, so that’s what’s crawled up your backside this morning. See, that’s your problem. You went for a thoroughbred when you should have started with something a little less sleek. You gotta build up to really good sex when you’re young. I’ll pick your guy next time.”

She sank down to the sofa. “That’s the problem. I think I want to see him again. We’re supposed to talk when he gets back.”

“You’re still there? Damn, girl. You know you’re supposed to run as fast as possible. We’re going to have to work on your one-night-stand style.”

The last thing she wanted was a one-night-stand style. She needed to find a happy medium between plowing through dicks and getting far too attached to the first dick she saw.

It had been a really lovely dick.

“I promise it won’t make me late. I’m not due in the office until one. Big Tag thinks far too much of jet lag, but this time it works in my favor. I’ve got plenty of Copyright 2016 - 2024