Charmed: A Masters and Mercenar - Lexi Blake Page 0,13

skin flushed and her eyes half closed, her hair tousled in a halo around her head. The lights from the city played on her skin, and he memorized her in the moment.

She reached a hand up. “I want to be with you.”

He pulled her up and to him until their chests were bumping and mouth fusing again. Her legs wrapped around his waist, arms enclosing him, and when she shifted, he could feel his dick against her pussy.

“Yes, that’s what I want,” she whispered against his lips.

“It’s everything I want.” He found the globes of her ass, lush and soft, and used the leverage to force his cock inside.

Pleasure swamped his senses. She was tight around him as he eased out and thrust back in. “You feel perfect to me.”

Her head fell back and her eyes closed as if she couldn’t quite keep them open. “Your cock feels like heaven.”

Even through the physical pleasure, he heard her words and they did something for him. Women wanted him for different reasons, but always underneath all of it lay the fact that he was the heir to Malone Oil. No matter what, that fact was between him and his lover. Most of the women in his life wanted something from him. Nina wanted his cock. Nina wanted his affection.

He could give all of it to her.

He let himself go, thrusting in again and again. She held on to him, wrapping him up in the heat and silk of her body. He held on to her as she shook in his arms, and then it was his turn. He let the pleasure wash over him.

He kept her wrapped up even as he started to come down from the high.

He knew one thing. He wasn’t going to let her go.

Chapter Three

Nina stared at herself in the mirror, the bathroom still steamy from her shower. She’d made a major mistake the night before. She’d thought she could wake up this morning and walk away from that gorgeous, sexy, affectionate man without a backward glance and now she knew the truth.

She was half in love with the man and had zero desire to never see him again. It was going to be hard to wait the thirty minutes or so before he came back with their breakfast. He’d called down and room service had said there was a problem with the kitchen and it would be at least an hour and a half before they could send someone up. JT had claimed he couldn’t wait and promised her cheap breakfast sandwiches combined with expensive coffee.

He’d kissed her before he’d gone and asked if they could talk when he got back. He’d told her he didn’t care that she lived in London. He wanted to see her again.

She dried off and thought briefly about going downstairs to her own room and getting dressed but it seemed like a long way to go. Instead she slipped into JT’s T-shirt and wound one of the hotel’s robes around her body.

The better to seduce him with. She could toss these off in seconds and be ready for round number four.

Two the night before. He’d woken her up with sex this morning. Fourth time was the charm.

She had a week before the retreat, though she would have to work most of the time. Then she would be gone for a week, but she would likely have to return to Dallas for the debrief. She hadn’t used any vacation time. She might be able to talk her boss into giving her some. A holiday.

Just to see if what they’d found the night before was something they could build on.

And she would ask for his last name. They were definitely ready to move on to last names.

She should check her phone. She had a few hours, but it wouldn’t hurt to check in with the office. The meeting wasn’t until this afternoon when she would get to meet her partner for the next two weeks. David Malone. Apparently he was the father of one of the Dallas office’s agents. She’d never met Michael Malone, but she knew him by reputation.

It had sounded like such an easy assignment. Learn a bit about the petroleum business and the Malone family. Take the nice Texas oil man to a tropical paradise, pretend to be his new assistant, and catch whoever was selling out the company to foreign interests. Easy peasy, and she could work on her tan while she did it.

Now she wanted to stay here Copyright 2016 - 2024